苏教牛津版 五年级英语上册期中试卷

发布 2020-10-22 11:22:28 阅读 6335



1. 第一天2. 所有的学生3.一张世界地图。

4. 一起骑马5. 在课桌下面6. 听**。

7. the rabbit in the black hat8. go and play here

9. h**e a chinese lesson10. two o’clock in the afternoon


14. 坐在秋千上15.学习歌曲16.新学期的第一天。


)1. are there __jackets in the shop? a . some b. any c. many

) do they like? they like __a. picture book b. picture books c. pictures books

) bing and __parents are in the dining-room. a. her b. their c. his

) the tree ? oh, he’s my brother, at b. on c. in

) is that blouse? sixty yuan. a. old b. many c. much

) you like hanburgersa. all right. b. no, thanks. c. yes, very much.

) a pair of shoes under the bed. a. is b. are c. am

)8.__sundays, we can watch tv __the in ,on b. on, in in

) is___map of china on the wall. a. any b. a c. some

) can see _ umbrella behind the _ yellow a, an b. an, an c. an, a

) 11. i canthe violin . i likethe violin .

a. play, play b. play, playing c. playing, play d. playing, playing

)12.__in your new school bag? there’re many books.

a. what’s b. what’re c. where’s

) there a park __your house? a. in b. on c. near

) i watch tv in the afternoon,but my parents___a. not b. aren’t c. don’t

)15.__can __do? she can play the what he b. what she she


mary is a little girl. she is only five years old. she is not at school.

she doesn’t know how to read or write. but her sister joan is a schoolgirl. she is ten.

she knows how to read and write.

one day, joan sees her little sister in the room. she is at the table. there is a pencil in her hand.

she is writing. “what are you writing, mary?” she asks.

“i’m writing to my friend, rose.” but how can you? you don’t know how to write.

” says her sister. “well,” says mary, “it doesn’t matter. rose doesn’t know how to read, either.

”)1. is mary a schoolgirl?a. yes, she is. b. no, she isn’t. c. we don’t know.

)2. who can read and write?a. mary b. rosec. joan

)3. what’s in mary’s hand?a.

there’s a pen. b. there’s a pencil.

c. there’s a crayon.

)4. what’s mary doing?

a. she’s drawing. b. she’s writing to her friend. c. she’s singing.

)5. can rose read and write?a.

no, she can’t. b. yes, she can.

c. we don’t know.


1. 这儿有厕所么?对不起,我不知道,我不居住在这个城市。

is there ai __know. i don’tthe city(城市)

2. 你们班有多少男生?27个,他们会打篮球么?会,所有男生都会。

boys are there in your class?twenty-seven. _they play basketballthe boys can play basketball。


in yourthere’sbeside the bed,there’s aon the desk.

4.我会唱歌,我也喜欢唱歌。 i can and itoo.

5.这个男孩会溜冰,但这个女孩不会,她会滑雪。 the can , but theshe can

6.他们在上英语课。 they areenglish lesson.


苏教牛津版英语五年级上册 halloween 教案。本案例是牛津小学英语5a unit4 a部分的教学设计,也是本单元第一课时的教学设计。本单元的核心内容是围绕西方的一个重要节日 万圣节晚会的准备工作展开的一段对话。新课标要求教师的教学能帮助学生了解世界,认识中西方文化的差异,拓展视野。我认为本书的...

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