
发布 2023-04-15 15:04:28 阅读 2025





) term b. year c. day d. week

) live b. laugh c. lift d. love

) rabbit b. cat c. duck d. snake

) b. reply c. restaurant d. lift

) b. hers c. mine d. yours


) yes. i dob. yes. i did.

) yes. there are. b. no. there aren’t.

) i want some apples. b. i like some apples.

) halloween is in spring. b. halloween is in autumn.

) they give them sweets. b. they give them chocolate eggs.

四、听录音,用你听到的单词把句子补充完整。( 10分)

of trees here before. (were , is )

going to theshop , supermarket)

3.--what do you want?--ia red shirt. (want , go )

is . i am going to wear my masks. (sunday ,halloween )

box is veryi can’t lift it. (he**y , lift )


1. is (过去式2. light(反义词)__

3. small(反义词)__4. child(复数。

5. sweet(复数6. your(名词性物主代词)__

7. my(名词性物主代词。


were (in/at) china for two years.

2. thereweren’t/ aren’t) any swings here before.

3did/does) london look different now?

4how/what) a big supermarket.

help me put the bags (in/on) the car.

one is (he**y/light). i can’t lift it.

there (is/are) many fruits over there.

8. you are helpful children. (had/h**e) an ice-cream.


) pond before

a. wasn’t b. weren’t c. isn’t d. aren’t

) aren’tswings here.

a. a b. one c. some d. any

) going to sing and dance.

a. is b. do c. are d. does

)4blue dress is dirty

a. amy b. amy’s c. amys d. amys’

) raining last sunday.

a. was b. were c. is d. are

) to buy some books this sunday

a. go b. went c. will go d. going

) many big supermarkets __china

a. is, in b. are, in c. are, on d. is, on

) isn’t __

a. your b. you c. yours d. yous

) going to __11.

a. be b. am c. are d. is

) book is __

a. my b. mine c. me d. i


) in the pond? a. it’s mine

) many chairs are there? b. we are going to dance

) are you going to do? c. there are three.

) t-shirt is this? d. there are ducks.

) is halloween? e. it’s an autumn festival



)1.there are tall tree in the park

a b c )2. there are small desks in the class before

abc )3. look at the pictures to our school

ab c )4. are you like the park now

a bc )5. there weren’t some swings here before.

ab c七、选词填空。(5分)

a、 amy’s b、mine c、his d、 hers e、yours

1)this is his book. this book is

2)it’s my pen this pen is

3)this is her dress this dress is

4)it’s your hatthis hat is

5)this is amy’s t-shirt. this t-shirt is


) 1. they wear scary clothes and masks

)2. they scary people, they say:’whoooooo”

)3. they went to people’s houses

)4. today is halloween

)5 .people give them some sweets

九、阅读理解,正确的填t, 错误的填f。(10分)

christmas is a very important festival in western countries. it’s in december. there are christmas trees everywhere(到处).

people give children christmas eve, sometimes there are parties in people’s houses. they give friends christmas cards.

linging is going to attend(参加) a christmas party. it’s in amy’s home. they are going to sing and dance.

and they are going to h**e many decilious foods. it is really a wonderful festival!

)1. christmas is in october.

)2. you can see christmas trees on christmas.

)3. children wear scary clothes and scare the people on christmas.

)4. lingling and amy are going to sing and dance at the party.

)5. people don’t give children anything on christmas.


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