五年级英语上册月考试题 含答案

发布 2023-04-15 14:39:28 阅读 8533


一、我会辨 (画线部分发音相同的写“t”,不同的写“f”)。

1. happy windy many

) 2. baby shy my

) 3. sorry family party

) 4. read beef clean

5. weather sweater tea


) 1. a. chinese b. math c. weekend

) 2. a. music b. shortc. tall

) 3. a. polite b. student c. quiet

) 4. a. strict b. hard-working c. computer

) 5. a. helpful b. monday c. clever


1. who’s (完整形式2. miss (对应词。

3. tall (反义词4. old (反义词。

5. is not (缩略形式6. student (对应词。

7. kind (反义词8. sat.(完整形式。

9. what is (缩略形式10. loepit (重排字母组词。


) 1miss liu.

a. what’s she like? b. who’s your english teacher? c. who is he?

) 2. —what’s he like

a. he likes b. he would like tomatoes. c. he is tall.

) 3. who’s art teacher?

a. yourb. youc. yours

) 4. i __helpful. he __helpful, too.

a. am, am b. is, amc. am, is

i often play the pipa on the weekend.

a. what do you h**e on the weekend?

b. do you often play football on the weekend?

c. what do you do on the weekend?

) 6. —what do youon tuesdays?

i h**e chinese, english and maths.

a. dob. h**ec. like

) 7. tomorrow is tuesday. today is

a. monday b. wednesdayc. thursday

) 8. we h**e chinese tuesdays.

a. atb. inc. on

) 9. —do you often play football on the weekend?

a. yes, i am. b. yes, i don’t. c. yes, i do

) 10. —is your math teacher strict

a. yes, he isn’t. b. yes, he is. c. no, he is.


1. english, is, who, your, teacher, (

2. is, what, father, your, like, (

3. he, is, teacher, music, our, (

4. do, do, on, what, you, sundays, (

5. often, pictures, i, draw, sundays, on, (


1. daming is a student. he is very polite.

2. mr wang is our music teacher. he is old.

3. our chinese teacher is very young and pretty.

4. ioften wash my clothes on weekends.

5. i h**e maths, english and music on tuesday.


) 1. what’s your pe teacher like? a. i like english.

) 2. what time is it nowb. he is tall and strong.

) 3. what classes do you likec. i often play football.

) 4. what do you h**e on mondays? d. it’s seven o’clock.

) 5. what do you do on saturdays? e. we h**e chinese and art.


a: today is friday. what do you h**e on fridays?ba

b: yes, i do. i like it very much.

a: tomorrow is saturday

b: i often play computer games

a: no, i don’t.

b: what do you often do on saturdays?

ab: great!


we h**e a new maths teacher. his name is wang jian. he is from beijing.

he is short and strong. he is very clever. he can speak english well.

he is very kind. but sometimes he is strict. he makes us finish our homework on time(按时).

he is very funny, too. we all like him.

) 1. mr wang is our english teacher.

) 2. mr wang is short and thin.

) 3. mr wang is a funny teacher.

) 4. mr wang is from china.

) 5. mr wang can speak english.


we h**e chinese, maths and english on mondays.

yes, i do.

3what do you often do on the weekend?


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