五年级英语上册重点词汇解析 1 6单元

发布 2023-04-15 08:12:28 阅读 3506


unit 1

young (骞磋交鐨? funny (婊戠ń鍙瑧鐨? tall (楂樼殑) strong (寮哄.鐨?

kind (鍜岃敿鐨?浜插垏鐨? old (骞磋佺殑) short (鐭殑)thin (鐦︾殑) mr (鍏堢敓) like (鍍?

鍠滄 ) strict (涓ユ牸鐨? smart (鑱槑鐨?宸у 鐨?

active (绉瀬鐨?娲昏穬鐨? quiet (瀹夐潤鐨?

鏂囬潤鐨? very (寰?闈炲父) but (浣嗘槸)

unit 2 monday (鏄熸湡涓) tuesday (鏄熸湡浜? wednesday (鏄熸湡涓? thursday (鏄熸湡鍥?

friday (鏄熸湡浜? saturday (鏄熸湡鍏? sunday (鏄熸湡澶?

day (澶?鏃ュ瓙) h**e (鏈?鍚?

on (鍦ㄢ?.鏃跺? do homework (鍋氫綔涓?

watch tv (鐪嬬數瑙? read books (璇讳功)

unit 3 eggplant (鑼勫瓙) fish (楸? green beans (闈掕眴) tofu (璞嗚厫) potato (鍦熻眴) tomato (瑗跨孩鏌? for (涓?

缁? lunch (涓 ;鍗堥キ) we (鎴戜滑) tasty (濂藉悆鐨? sweet (鐢滅殑) sour (閰哥殑) fresh (鏂伴矞鐨?

salty (鍜哥殑) f**ourite (鏈鍠滅埍鐨?鐗瑰埆鍠滅埍鐨? they are (浠栦滑鏄?

fruit (姘存灉) grape (钁¤悇) unit 4 cook the meals (鍊掑瀮鍦? water the flowers (娴囪姳) sweep the floor (鎵湴) clean the bedroom (鎵撴壂鍗у )make the bed (閾哄簥) set the table (鎽嗛キ妗? wash the clothes (娲楃纰?

do the dishes (鏀舵嬀琛f湇) use a computer (浣跨敤璁$畻鏈?

unit 5 curtain (绌鸿皟) trash bin (鍨冨溇绠? closet (澹佹┍) mirror (闀滃瓙) end table (搴婂ご鏌? bedroom (鍗у )kitchen (鍘ㄦ埧) bathroom (鍗敓闂?

living room (瀹㈠巺) in (鍦ㄢ﹂噷闈? on (鍦ㄢ︿笂闈? under (鍦ㄢ︿笅闈?

near (鍦?.鏃佽竟) behind (鍦ㄢ﹀悗杈? clothes (琛f湇)

unit 6 river (娌虫祦) flower (鑺? grass (鑽? lake (婀栨硦) forest (妫灄) path (璺?

park (鍏洯) picture (鐓х墖) house (鎴垮瓙) bridge (妗? tree (鏍? road (鍏矾) building (寤虹瓚鐗?

clean (骞插噣鐨?


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