
发布 2023-04-15 08:15:28 阅读 2293


句子。first name名last name姓brother兄弟twins双胞胎china中国the 美国american美国人australia澳大利亚canada加拿大from来自于where**。

what’s your first/last name?你的名/姓是什么?my first/last nameis…我的名/姓是……where are you from?

你从**来?i’m from china.我来自中国。

are you american?你是美国人吗?

yes, i am./no, i’mnot.是的,我是。

/不,我不是。where is she/he from?她/他从**来?

she/he is from australia.她/他来自澳大利亚。

five四十五go to school去上学。


句子。how do you go to school?你怎样去上学?

i go to school by car.我坐小汽车去上学。sometimes i take the subway.


how long does it take to go to school?去上学花费你多长时间?it takes about 20 minutes.大约花费20分钟。

why don’t you ride a bike?你为什么不骑自行车呢?that’s a good idea.好主意!

how does jane go to school?简怎样去上学?she goes to school by subway.她乘地铁去上学。

late晚的bathroom浴室brush my teeth刷牙already已经finish完成get up起床h**e breakfast吃早餐go to bed去睡觉单词wait等待downstairs楼下get dressed穿衣服make the bed整理床铺。

hurry up赶快saturday星期六do my homework写作业read news*****s看报纸cook做饭kitchen厨房bedroom卧室living room起居室。


what time do you get up?你几点起床?

i get up at 7:30.我7点30分起床。

what are you doing?你正在做什么?i’m getting dressed now.


句子。is sandy waiting downstairs?桑迪正在楼下等着吗?

yes, she is./no, she’s not.是的,她是。/不,她不是。let’s hurry up to school.让我们赶快去学校。

we don’t h**e any class on saturday.我们星期六没有任何课。


单词。soccer足球win赢before之前after之后wash up/wash hands洗手dinner正餐tennis网球watchtv看电视library图书馆borrow(ed)借museum博物馆see a movie看电影did(do的过去式)was(is的过去式)won (win的过去式) came(come的过去式went(go的过去式) saw (see的过去式)

句子。how was your day?你过得怎么样?it was great.很棒!

did you win the game?你们比赛赢了吗?

yes, we did. /no, we didn’t.是的,我们赢了。

/不,我们没赢。what did you do after school?放学后你做了些什么?

i went to the library and borrowed some books.我去图书馆借了一些书。go wash your hands before dinner.


mall百货商场knapsack背包children’s day儿童节mother’s ’s the date today?今天几号?it’s may 6.5月6日。

when’s your birthday?你的生日是哪天?my birthday is on september2.

我的生日是9月2日。what do you want to buy for her?你想给她买什么?

i want to buy her a belt.我想给她买条腰带。mother’s day is on may8.


i want to buy some presents for my mother.我想给她买一些礼物。

blue蓝色shirt衬衫size尺码long sleeves长袖buttons纽扣tall高的with有without没有short矮的/ color do you want?你想要什么颜色的?i want a blue shirt.

我想要一件蓝色的衬衫。i want a shirt with long sleeves.我想要一件长袖的衬衫。

how do you like this one?你喜欢这个吗?

i like it a lot. /i don’t like it.我很喜欢/我不喜欢。

how about this one?这个怎么样?it looks good.


show me a cheaper one , please.请给我一件更便宜的。




句子。gray灰色orange橙色brown棕色black黑色bought(buy的过去式)beautiful漂亮的hairpin发卡old旧的new新的fountain pen钢笔。


what’s he wearing?他穿什么衣服?he’s wearing a red jacket, blue pants and yellow boots.

他穿一件红色夹克,蓝色的裤子和黄色的靴子。句子does he wear glasses?他戴眼镜吗?

what a beautiful hairpin (it is)!多漂亮的发卡呀!what did you buy for a present?你买了什么当做礼物?

how about ****** a birthday cake for him?给他做一个生日蛋糕怎么样?


五 上 重点句型。unit 1 this is my day 1.who s your math teacher?谁是你的数学老师?mr zhao.what s he like?他张的什么样?he s thin and short.he s very kind.他又瘦又矮。他非常和蔼。2.who a...


轮渡 是在水深不易造桥的江河 海峡等两岸间,用机动船运载旅客和车辆,以连接两岸交通的设施。雪橇 古代冬季雪上的一种交通工具和游戏活动。起源于瑞士山地,后逐渐在欧洲 北美和亚洲等国家流行。雪橇最初为木制,后发展成用金属制作。1884年英国举行首次雪橇公开赛。stop and wait at a red...


2011 2012小学英语五年级下学期词汇 短语 句型表。unit 7 一 四会单词 短语 13 14个 1.backpack 背包。2.find found 发现,找到。3.get got 得到,拿,取。4.give g e 给予,给。5.meet met 迎接。6.whose 谁的。7.his ...