
发布 2023-03-24 10:19:28 阅读 8877

外研社版小学英语一年级起点第十册module7unit1 write your message.教学设计。




尝试运用click on“email”.和write your message.与同伴说说如何发送电子邮件。

掌握词汇message,another,click onb.能力目标:



5、教学难点:学生是否理解click on“email”. click on“write”.

write your message.句型的用法,生词或不常用的词语会影响学生的理解,运用。6、关键:



教学程序:1,greeting each other

2,sing a “postman” song.

free talk: do you know“postman”in the song? what does postman do?

so,do you knowthereis a convenient way to exchange what is it?

that’s right!“ email”, then, do you know how to send an email? ok, today we’re going to studyhow to send an email to your friend.


1、now, look at the big screen. what’s this? computer.

ok, first,swich on the computer. findthe email .then click on“email”.

click on“write”. write your message. click on“send”.


2、lead into text:now, let’s see amy and tom how to send an email?3、text teach:

(1)、h**e ss listen to the tape first. let students listen and understandmeaning. then think a:

what’s an email?b: how to send an email?

再放录音,请学生找到问题的答案:(2)、answer the questions .

it’s a computer goes from one computer to another computer.用课件展示动画从一个计算机到另一个计算机的信息过程。师并讲解,同时再一次出示电子邮件的发送过程。

(3)、play the tape again and read .let students are familiar with send an e-mail’s process.

4)、play the tape again. let them read after it. then repeat how to send an email.

and reward.(5)、act it out in groups or pairs.

4、play a game: (write,send,click on,message,email)找五个学生分别拿着这五个单词卡片站到讲台前,一生说出发送电子邮件的步骤,拿词的学生按要求往前迈一步,其他的学生再重复一遍该句子。

cai show exercise:一。read and number:

)click on “send”.(click on “write”.(click on “email”.(write your message.

二。read and choose:

___will go to dad’scomputerat work .2. i’ve got an __from little tom !

3. it goes from one computer tocomputer.4. nowwrite ”.

5. let’san emailtodad !



module 7 unit 1click on “email”.click on “write”.write your on “send”.

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