
发布 2023-03-18 08:46:28 阅读 5351





)1. a. forest b. flower

)2. a. beside b. behind c. between

)3. a. kitchen b. chicken c. chips

)4. a. hurry b. he**y c. help

)5. a. rubber b. rabbit c. robot

)6. a. good idea b. h**e an idea c. h**e no idea

) music story c. popular film

)8. a. look at b. look after c. look out

)9. a. i’m good at running b. i’m not good at running

c. i don’t like running

)10. a. there are some swings b. there are no swings

c. there aren’t any swings


)1. a. i’d like some grapes. b. no, thanks. c. some grapes, please.

)2. a. yes, it is. b. no, it is. c. yes, there is.

)3. a. there’s a computerb. i like computerc. it’s computer.

)4. a. on the wall. b. a map of china. c. two.

)5. a. yes, you can. b. no, i can’t. c. i can see some crayons.


1. a: can you___tomb: yes, mr smith.

2. a: there are three bears in __of her. she is __

3. a: _the music room? b: it’s on the __floor.

4. a: let’s go and

5. a: i h**e a lot of __but i am not good at __



1. in front of (反义词2. right (反义词。

3. let’s (完整形式4. white (反义词。

5. swim (现在分词6. can (否定形式。

7. like (现在分词8. be good at (同义词组。

9. also (同义词10. piano (复数。


1. 在他面前6. find their mother

2. 在我们中间7. so he**y

3. 在一楼8. one … the other

4. 擅长唱歌9. watch films

5. 许多故事10. cold and wet


)1. i’m new here, can you show __around the school?

a. ib. mec. your

)2. _there any soup on the table?

a. areb. amc. is

) many __are there in the house?

a. bedb. desks

)4. there is __art room on the first floor, but there isn’t __music room.

a. a; anb. an; a c. an; an

)5. nancy __two fish. i __a rabbit.

a. has; has b. h**e; h**e c. has; h**e

)6. mike doesn’t __any toys , but tim __some.

a. has; has b. has; h**e c. h**e; has

)7your mother like going shopping?

-no, she __

a. do; don’t b. does; doesn’t c. does; does

)8. helen and nancy __dancing.

a. likesb. like c. liking

)9. this is __lesson in the morning.

a. firstb. twoc. the first

)10. _sam like __

a. is; skating b. does; skating c. does; skate


1. nancy and susan __h**e) some new books.

2. a dog has four __foot).

3. our teacher usually __tell) us some news in the class.

4. there __be) some nice soup in the box.

5. does his sister __h**e) a nice bike?


) do you liking doinga. there’s a football

) there any toys in your bedroom? b. i h**e a toy bear.

) you h**e a toy bearc. yes, i do.

) do you h**ed. no, there aren’t.

) under the bede. i like drawing.


1. there are some sweets in the box.(改为否定句)

theresweets in the box.

2. his father likes taking pictures.(改为一般疑问句)

his father like __pictures?

3. we h**e some animals friends.(用she替换we改写句子)

some animal friends.

4. my parents h**e a lot of books.(对画线部分提问)

your parents h**e?

5. like stories you reading do(?)连词成句)




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