
发布 2020-10-26 15:29:28 阅读 9875



一、 read and match,共30分。








8、understand 博物馆18、catch球队队。


10、museum 明信片20、team不好地。

二、read and answer,共15分。

三、 read and write,共5分。

a、who b、whose c、well d、high e、fast

f、takes g、took h、list i、last

1、i can’t run fast. but you can play basketball

2t—shirt is it? it’s mine.

3、i can’t run fast. but i can jump really

4、theyphotos of the mountains last weekend.

5、can you read the shoppingto me ,please?

四、read and choose,共20分。


a、what’s the matter? b、what’s that?


a、this bag is lingling. b、this bag is her.


a、i can’t dance well . b、i can dance well.


a、we met john in the park.

b、we meet john in the park.


a、it’s a big wheel. it’s wonderful.

b、we visited big ben and london eye.


a、how many eggs do you want?

b、how much are the eggs?


a、there are too many chairs and desks in the classroom.

b、there are not enough chairs and desks in the classroom


a、give one pen to every child.

b、whose pen is this?


1、判断。today is my birthday. there are many kinds of food and drink i the kitchen(厨房).

there are enough for us. my friends bring many presents to me. there are too many.

i can’t take all of them with my hands. there not enough chairs. so i h**e to stand, but i’m very happy.

1、 today is my birthday

2、 the food and drink are not enough

3、 there are too many presents

4、 there enough chairs

5、 i h**e to stand, so i’m very sad


a little boy

tom is a little boy. he is six. last sunday his mother took him to visit his uncle.

his uncle’s home is far from their home. so they went there by bus. there were only two people on the bus.

tom was very happy. he ran on the bus. his mother said,“don’t run, tom!

sit down.” but tom said,“i want to see my uncle sooner, so i want the bus to go faster.”

1、tom wasyears old last year.

2、tomto visit his uncle with his mother last sunday.

a、went b、want c、goes

3、which sentence is right?

a、they went there by train.

b、they went there by plane.

c、they took a bus to go there.

4、tom said he wanted to see hissooner.

a、father b、mother c、uncle

5、how many people on the bus?

a、2 b、12 c、20


the london eye is a big wheel in london. sam ,amy, lingling and ms smart went there at the weekend. they took a bus and then walked to eye.

the children were very excited. the eye was very high. ms smart didn’t like it but the children did.

1、 is the london eye in london?

2、 did the children take a train to the eye?

3、 did ms smart like the eye?


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