
发布 2023-03-09 11:53:28 阅读 7586





主语+ be + v-ing标志:now, look! listen!

3. enjoy , h**e fun , be busy , practice , finish + v-ing

4. want , would like , try ,hope, it is + adj + for sb ) to do sth5. let ,make ,h**e, please , can ,may ,must, should, will, do ,to+动词原形。


标志:ago,yesterday,thedaybeforeyesterday,lastnight,in1990,this morning .


二、《第一单元》: where is your pen pal from ?(同义句)=where does your pen palcome from ?

be from = come from ,speak+语言, say+内容,tell stories, talk about sth,talkwith sb= talk to sb ,want = would like , a little +不可数名词,a few +可数名词复数,write to sb ,on weekends ,like doing sth ,like to do sth interesting与interested, beinterested in sth

第二单元》: across from , on+街道,between…and , next to =near = in theneighborhood,infrontof与inthefrontof,turnright,ontheright,with的用法,across与through ,let sb do sth, the way to my house , h**e a good time = h**e fun=enjoy oneself, get to , arrive in ,arrive at, reach+地方,take a taxi = bytaxi, at the beginning of the meeting


(回答)yes,heis,during,le**es,at night= in the evening, every day ,look at me

第四单元》: i want to be an actor. what does she do ?

=what is her job?=whatisshe?givesbsth=givesthtosb,getsthfromsb,askandanswerquestions,inthe hospital与be in hospital

as a waitor, call sb at+号码,weare an international school for children of5-12.

第五单元》: what is he doing? -he is reading.

that sounds good. do hishomework,at+点时间,on+具体时间,in+不具体时间,for+段时间,waitforsb,thanks for your help.=thanks for helping me .

here are some of my photos.《第六单元》:howistheweatherinbeijing?

=what’stheweatherlikeinbeijing?it’s sunny.


how is it going? (四种回答), join+团体,take part in +会议,on vacation, someare taking photos, others are lying on the beach. surprised, wear scarfs ,everyone+谓单,nobody +谓单,musician,different +名复,look for与find, on a cold morning, find it + adj + for sb+todosth,最高级:


第七单元》:what does he look like ? he is of medium build, and has long think i know her.

(否定句) wear+衣服,in +颜色,dress +人,put on表示动作,telljokes,sheneverstopstalking. stopdoingsth与stoptodosth,playchess, play basketball, play the piano. he doesn’t wear glasses any more.

goshopping. remember doing sth与remember to do sth, nobody knows me. comparea to b .

2 pairs of glasses, when were you born ? i was born on september 2,1981.

提问:what,where,when,whattime,why,howmany,howmuch,howlong,how,howoften,who, what language ,感叹句:how + adj +主谓!

what + a/an +adj +主谓!例:what a beautiful girl she is !

=how beautiful the girl is !

第八单元》: would like to do sth , tomato noodles , what kind of noodles wouldyou like ? what size bowl of noodleswould you like?

can i helpyou?= what cani do for you? help sb (to) do sth=help sb with sth , ask sb to do sth = tellsb to do sth , not…or , potatoes, reason, menu《第九单元》:


动词的不规则变化:(见课本p102),howwasyourweekend?unhappy,spend+v-ing,spendsometimeonsth,practice+v-ing , enjoy + v-ing, watch sb do sth , itis time to do sth, what about doingsth?

=howaboutdoingsth?stayathome,mountain,goshopping,goforawalk,anything, wrote, geography, past

第十单元》: where did you go on vacation ? museum, really, rainy, unfriendly,delicious, expensive, crowded, cheap, think of, make sb do sth, decide to dosth, square, report, unfriendly, h**e fun + v-ing, found sb doing sth,《第单十一元》:

what do you think of sth ? how do you like sth ? can’t stand,mind+v-ing,agreewithsb,agreeto+计划,agreeon+事情,said,colorful,an eight-year- old girl, i do, too.

=>i don’t either. thanks for joining us .i don’t mind what young people think of me .


第十二单元》:祈使句的变化及构成:don’t eat in class , will you ?

反义疑问句) school rules,must=h**eto,whatelse,sportsshoes,thechildren’spalace,no


talking !arrive late for class= be late for class, on school nights, too many+可数名词复数,toomuch+不可数名词,muchtoo+形容词,beinbedby11:00,talk loudly .


这几次单元考,学生成绩都非常不理想,为什么呢?我整整想了一天,问题真的不少。首先,平时晚上给学生做错题,题量太少,类型太少。碰到一些稍微要绕点弯子的题目,他们就不会做 同样的知识点,考察方向稍微改变一点,他们又不会做。错题要做,这是毋庸置疑的,但是做到三遍的时候,大局部人都能记住答案了,再做就没意义...


这几次单元考,学生成绩都非常不理想,为什么呢?我整整想了一天,问题真的不少。首先,平时晚上给学生做错题,题量太少,类型太少。碰到一些稍微要绕点弯子的题目,他们就不会做 同样的知识点,考察方向稍微改变一点,他们又不会做。错题要做,这是毋庸置疑的,但是做到三遍的时候,大局部人都能记住答案了,再做就没意义...


1 内容 7年级 starters 1 3 1 8单元,2.关于语音 5个元音字母开闭音节发音规律单独以单选的形式考5分,单选中其26个字母字母按照元音发音归类1分,音节划分1分,语调辨别1分,语音主要是升降调 陈述句 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句的语调 3 关于字母 书写1分。缩写1分,均在单选试题里考...