七年级英语人教版下册下册Unit3 4的语法归纳 学习

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掌握下册units 3-4的语法内容。


重点:1. how引导的特殊疑问句;2.祈使句的用法;3.情态动词h**e to, must。




how可与其他词连用,来引导特殊疑问句。①how old多大,提问年龄。【例句】

how oldis your sister?你的妹妹多大了?②how many多少,提问可数名词的量。【例句】

how manybananas do you want?你想要多少香蕉?③how much多少,提问不可数名词的量。多少钱;提问**。


how muchwater is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少水?how muchis the sweater?

这件毛衣多少钱?④how long多长时间,提问一段时间。多长,提问物体的长度。


how longdoes it take you to get home?你到家要花费多长时间?how longis the classroom?

这教室多长?⑤how far多远,提问距离。【例句】

how faris the park from here?公园离这儿多远?【拓展】

how soon多快。【例句】

how soonwill he be back?他多快回来?②how often多久一次,提问频率。【例句】

how oftendo you go to the movie?你多久去看一次电影?【考题链接】

1.—_is it to the train station?—about six kilometers.

a. how longb. how farc. how muchd. how often答案:b

思路分析:根据答语“大约六公里”可知问句询问距离,故排除a, c, d三项。2.—_do you live here?

第2页。for about five months.

a. how muchb. how oftenc. how longd. how far答案:c

思路分析:根据答语“大约五个月”可知问句提问一段时间,故选c项。3.—_are the socks?—they’re10 yuan.

a. how oldb. how muchc. how soond. how many答案:b

思路分析:根据答语“它们10元”可知问句提问**,故选b项。对画线部分提问1. i go hiking twice a weekdo you go hiking?

2. it takes me 15 minutes to walk to schoolit __you to walk to school?3.

it’s three miles from my home to schoolis it from your home to school?4. i go to school by caryou go to school?

5. i sleep nine hours every night.

do you sleep every night?6. his son is 11 years oldis his son?

7. the boy will finish his homework in 2 hourswill the boy finish his homework?8.

i want two glasses of milk.

第3页。milk do you want?9.

i think the book is interesting.__do you __the book?10.

my skirt is 20 dollarsis your skirt?

答案:1. how often2.

how long does; take3. how far4. how do5.

how manyhours6. how old7. how soon8.

how much9. how; like10. how much






stand up, please!请起立!②be型,即以动词be开头。【例句】

bequiet please!请安静!③let型,即以let开头。【例句】

let’splay basketball.让咱们去打篮球吧。【考题链接】

第4页。1. please __the blackboard.

a. lookb. look atc. to lookd. to look at答案:b

思路分析:本句是一个祈使句,动词用原形。look是不及物动词,后接宾语时要先接介词at,故b项正确。2. let lily __piano.

a. playb. to playc. to play thed. play the答案:d

思路分析:浏览题干,piano是乐器“钢琴”,故“弹钢琴”用play the piano;let sb.后接动词原形,故选d项。



don’t comein.不要进来。never beangry.绝不生气。②let型的有两种否定形式:

在let前加don’t或在let sb.后加not。【例句】

don’t letthem cry. =letthemnotcry.不要让他们哭。

letmenotgo there. =don’t letme go there.不要让我去那儿。

③no +v.-ing形式/名词,用于警示人们不要做某事。no swimming!

禁止游泳!no photos!禁止拍照!


1. _late for school.

第5页。a. not beb. not isc. don’t bed. don’t is答案:c

思路分析:浏览题干和选项可知本题考查否定祈使句。开头用don’t,后接动词原形,故c项正确。句意为“上学不要迟到”。2. _smoking!

a. notb. don’tc. nod. doesn’t答案:c



please pass me that book.请把那本书递给我。—ok, i will.可以。【注意】


don’t go out. it’s raining hard.不要出去了。

天正下着大雨。—yes, i is waiting for me.不,我要去。


peter, don’t step on the grass.—_

a. it doesn’t matterb. i can’t do itc. don’t worryd. sorry, i won’t do it again答案:d




1)祈使句+ and/ then +陈述句,二者之间表示一种顺承关系。【例句】

study hard, and you can get good grades.努力学习,你就会取得好成绩。(2)祈使句+ or +陈述句,二者之间表示一种否定条件关系。【例句】

hurry up, or we’ll be late.快点,否则我们会迟到的。【考题链接】

hurry up, _you will miss the early orb. andc. sod. but答案:a


句型转换。1. you must come here early tomorrow.

(改为祈使句)__here early tomorrow!2. look at the picture!

(改为否定句at the picture!3. let her help you.

(改为否定句her help you.

4. you can’t be late next time. (改为祈使句)

第7页。late next time.

5. you can drink and eat in the dining hall. (改为否定祈使句)__drink __eat in the dining hall.

答案:1. come2. don’t look3. don’t let4. don’t be5. don’t; or

三、情态动词h**e to, must

1. h**e to意为“不得不”,强调客观需要,能用于多种时态。本身有第三人称单数形式has to。【例句】

my brother is ill. ih**e tolook after him at home.我弟弟生病了。我不得不在家照看他。【考点1】

一般现在时态中,h**e to的否定句要借助助动词don’t / doesn’t,再加h**e to。【例句】

youdon’t h**e tocome here so early.你不必那么早来这儿。lucydoesn’t h**e towear school uniforms.


一般现在时态中,h**e to的一般疑问句要借助于助动词do/ does放在开头,后接h**e to。【例句】

doesheh**e towear a hat?他必须戴帽子吗?【考点3】

一般现在时态中,特殊疑问句是:特殊疑问词+ do/ does+主语+h**e to +其他?【例句】

whatdoesheh**e todo?他必须做什么?【考题链接】

it’s too late. we __go home.

a. canb. h**e toc. mayd. must答案:b


2. must意为“必须;应当”,表示义务、命令或必要。强调主**法,没有时态变化。


hemustwork today.今天他必须工作。

youmustn’ttake the book away from the library.你不可以把这本书带出图书馆。(如果将书带出图书馆将违反相关法律法规)。【考点4】

以must开头的一般疑问句,简略肯定回答用must,简略否定回答用needn’t或don’t h**eto。needn’t相当于don’t h**e to,意为“不必”。【例句】

musti do the dishes today?我今天必须洗餐具吗?

yes, youmust. /no, youneedn’t/don’t h**e to.是的,必须。/不,你不必。【考题链接】

1.—may i go to the cinema, mom?

certainly. but you __be back by 11 o’ canb. mayc. mustd. need答案:c



2.—dad, must i finish my homework today?—no, you __you may do it tomorrow.

a. needn’tb. mustn’tc. don’td. won’t答案:a

思路分析:以must开头的一般疑问句,其简略否定回答用needn’t或don’t h**e to。浏览各选项可知a项正确。


1. he has to eat in the dining hall. (改为否定句)heto eat in the dining hall.

2. we must be on time. (改为一般疑问句)__we __on time?

3. bill has to listen to the music outside. (改为一般疑问句)__bill __to listen to the music outside?

4.—must they follow the rules? (作否定回答)—_they __

5. the students h**e to read books in the morning. (对画线部分提问the students __to read books?

答案:1. doesn’t h**e2. must; be3. does; h**e4. no; needn’t5. when do; h**e

下册unit 5 why do you like pandas?




be fromget lostbe in (great) dangercut down___be made of___3.写出下列句子的含义。

1)—why do you like pandasbecause they’re cute/ interesting/ friendly/ smart2) the elephant is one of thailand’s symbols3) people cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes

第10页。4) isn’t she beautiful



思考问题二:你能区分be from和come from在句式上的异同吗?思考问题三:

be made of, be made from和be made in有什么差别?思考问题四:你知道否定式疑问句答语中yes, no的含义吗?



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