
发布 2023-03-09 10:05:28 阅读 5685




4、可数名称/不可数名称;单数可数名称与a/an的用法;可数名称复数的变化规则p65不可数名词:information, news, music, money, hair, homework, stationery, fruit;


习惯用复数的名称:trousers, jeans, shorts, shoes, boots, trainers, glasses.5、代词的用法:

主格/宾格/形容词性物主代词/名词性物主代词p286、there be句型p677、特殊疑问词p47

what day is it today?/what’s the date today?同义词区分:

看see/ look (at)/watch /read;听listen (to)/hear;找look for/find;花费spend/take/cost/pay;穿wear/puton/dress/in/on;说say/speak/tell/talk;许多many/much/alotof(=lotsof);太多toomany/too much/much too(太);都是both/all;一些some/any;有h**e(has)/there be;好good/well;让let/make sb do sth.(make sb/sth +adj)和ask/tell sb (not) to do sth.短语:

lookfor/at/after/like;turnon/off;getup/on/off;howlong/often/many/much;begoodat/for/to/with(be good at=do well in);more than/less than; the same as/be different from;in 1990/in the 1990s.

what do you h**e/eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

go running/swimming/shopping/fishing/climbing/boating

be(come)from…;wasbornin(on)…;bemadeof/in/by;besuitablefor;beonholiday;wait for;get ready for;try on;dress up as/in;10 more minutes; for+一段时间固定搭配:

it is time for sb to do sth./ it is time for sth..(it is my first/last time to do sth )it is +adj +for sb to do sth.

it is a good place to meet friends. /the mall is a really fun place to 介词+doing sththank you for doing sth;look forward to doing sthwhat/how about doing sthhow is it going?why not do sth?

i don’t know what to wear today, just don’t know how to h**e fun.

play +运动(football/basketball…);play + the +乐器piano/violin;play with sth/sb“和…玩”;play a game called…; play a trick on sb sth=buy sth for sb

give/show sb sth=give/show sth to sb(give/show +代词it或them to sb)want (sb) to do sth=would like (sb) to do sb (to) do sth/help sb with sthbe busy doing sth/be busy with sth

sth be expensive(dear)/cheap; the price of…be high/ +n+ to do sth; adj/adv + enough + to do sth不定代词+adj/to do(做主语时谓语动词用单数)invite sb to do sth;need/plan to do sth

in many ways; on the radio/internet/telephone; on tvnot…at all; not any more

the answer to; all my questions; look + adj;

what do you think of sth?(=how do you like sth?)

by bus/train/taxi/bike(on foot);take/ride/drive/walk…注:because和so不能同时使用交际用语:

服务用语(shop/library):can i help you?(=may i help you?

/what can i do for you?)祝福用语:happy new year/happy birthday!

merry christmas!

good luck with you./ h**e a good time./ h**e fun./enjoy

建议别人:would you like sth? (回答:yes, please./no, thanks.)邀请别人做某事:

would you like to do sth? (回答:yes,i’d like to./i’d like to, but i am very busy.)

感谢别人的帮助或赞美thank you!(回答:you’re welcome.

)犯了错误用i’m sorry,…没关系用never mind.听到不好的消息用i’m sorry to hear that.作文话题:



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