
发布 2023-03-06 16:59:28 阅读 3475




1、stay at home2、new york city3、do some reading___

4、summer camp___5、middle school6、think of

7、go shopping8、the great wall9、talk show

10、the palace museum11、go for a walk

12、sit down13、go on vacation14、central park

15、study for the math test16、all day

17、practice english18、go to the beach



1、how much did you __for the book?

2、i __ten yuan buying the book.

3、it __me half an hour to draw the picture.

2)look for\find\find out

1、what are you

2、h**e youwhy he was late ?

3、i __my pen .

3)enjoy\like\be fond of

1、ilistening to light music.

2、the little boyplaying football.

3、they allenglish and math.

4)in\at the corner

1、there is a computerof the room.

2、there is a street lampof the street.


1、what did you do yesterday/last weekend\?

2、what about you friend? 后接名词、代名词或v-ing形式,用来询问有关情况、提出建议或征求意见等。

3、how was your weekend?

4、it’s time for +名词。该做某事了。it’s time for sb to do sth.某人该做某事了。

5、where did you go on vacation?

6、how was the weather

7、what did these people think of their vacation



1、 一般过去时态的构成(四字诀-直、去、双、改)

2、 一般过去时的形式:

1) 含有be动词的过去时:否定句在was\were后加not,一般疑问句将was\were放在句首。

2) 实义动词过去时:肯定句(主语+动词过去时+其他),否定句(主语+did not\didn’t+动词原形+其它),一般疑问句(did +主语+动词原形+其它?肯定回答:




1、geogra y( )2、 pend( )3、rain ( 4、exp sive( )5、ch p( )6、c ner( )7、discu ( 8、rep t( )9、p lace( )10、m ddle( )


11、( was his weekend? —it was terrible. a、what b、how c、why d、who

12、( he often watched tv sunday evening last year. a、on b、in c、at

13、( what she last weekend? —she shopping with his mother .

a、did,did,went b、does,do,goes c、did,do,went d、did,do,go

14、( sam his math test last night. a、studied,for b、studyed,at c、studies,for

15、( did your classmates spend their weekends? a、how,visited b、what,visit

most of them their grandparentsc、why,visited d、who,visits

16、( he at home yesterday and playing the guitar. a、stayed,practiced b、styaied,practice

17、( sally didn’t want to buy . a、expensive something b、anything expensive

18、( everyone very tired now. a、feels b、felt c、feeling d、feel

19、( it was time for us for a walk. a、goes b、went c、to go d、going

20、( tom his homeworke last tuesday evening. a、didn’t,do b、didn’t did c、doesn’t do

21、( did she go vacation? —she visited the great wall. a、where,on b、what,at

22、( his father made her to school every day. a、walked b、walks c、walk

23、( they had great fun the palace museum yesterday. a、playing b、played c、play

24、( he found his mother dinner for her. a、****** b、made c、makes d、to make

25、( i helped my father shopping yesterday afternoon.

a、to gob、wentc、goesd、going

26、( i my cat everywhere(到处),but i didn’t it 1 hour ago.

a、looked for,findb、found,look forc、find,looked for

27、( carol decided an english song with her music teacher. a、to write b、wrote c、write

28、( kevin the book last month. a、didn’t read b、didn’t readed c、doesn’t reads

29、( don’t practice in the classroom. a、playing football b、playing a basketball

30、( the teacher asked the students last mondaya、doing some reading

b、to doing some readingc、did some reading

31、( brad had no children no cats. a、or b、and c、but d、because

32、( did your son cry yesterday

a、no, he didn’t b、yes,he does c、no, i didn’t d、no,he isn’t

33、( she always some reading in the morning,but yesterday morning he an interesting talk show. a、did,see b、does,saw c、do,saw d、does,sees

34、( look! jim the classroom, but 2 hours ago we our classroom.


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