
发布 2023-03-04 21:53:28 阅读 8897


1. where’s your pen pal from?你的笔友来自**?

he’s from australia.他来自澳大利亚。

这是一个“where is/are + 主语 + from?”的句型。该句用于询问“某人来自**”或“某人是**人”。

回答句型为:主语+ is/are + from +地点名词,也可直接回答地点。

be from的用法。

be from意为“从……来,来自于……”

be from = come from,“be from” 构成否定句和疑问句时,在be 后加not 或将 be 提前;come from 构成否定句和疑问句时,要借助助动词 do 或 does。

he’s from australia = he comes from australia.他来自澳大利亚。


pal = friend朋友。

pen pal = pen friend笔友。

e-pal 网友。

2. where does he live?


本句是由 where 引导的特殊疑问句,does 为助动词,在此处帮助句子构成疑问句结构。在一般现在时的疑问句中,当主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词为行为动词时,助动词用does,其余人称用助动词do。

live后可与in, at, on, with


he lives in tokyo.


3. world n.世界。

in the world 在世界上

拓展:all over the world = around the world 全世界。

第一课时 section a (1a – 2d )



7. my friend is from japan. she speaks __日语).

8. sydney is in __澳大利亚)

9. mr. wang __居住)in shanghai with his children.

does your english teacher come __来自于。

从)?girls are my pen __笔友). i often write to


12. —where is wuhan? —it’s inchinese ).

13canada ) speak english and french.

14. whendo ) your mother get up every morning?

15. how manycountry ) can you see on the map?

16. the three men arefrance ).


) 17. —what’s your f**oritesingapore.

a. subject b. color c. city d. country

) 18. —where do you come from?

—i come fromi’m an __

a. japan, japaneseb. america, american

c. france, frenchd. china, chinese

) 19. where __you __

a. are; fromb. do; from

c. are, comed. are, come from

) 20. tom is __england. now he lives __beijing.

a. in; in b. from; in c. in, from d. in, on

) 21is your new pen pal from?

she is from japan.

a. where b. what c. when d. who

四、 补全对话。

a: 1 do you 2 fromb: i come from 3 .

a: where do you 4b: in tokyo.

a: is it interestingb: 5 , it’s a busy city.


1. what language does she speak? 她讲什么语言?

1)这是一个由 what 引导的特殊疑问句。此句型为“what language + do/does…speak?”的句型。


eg: she speaks english.

她讲英语。2)speak 是动词,意为“说话,发言,演讲”等,一般作不及物动词。作及物动词时,其后常接语言、语种等作宾语。

eg: can your child speak now?


he can speak french.


3)有关“说”的单词:say, tell与talk

say “说”,着重强调讲话的内容。

eg: he says he is a chinese.


tell “告诉,讲述”,常用来以口头方式告诉某人。

eg: my father often tell us stories.


talk “谈话”,是不及物动词,常与 to, with ,about等介词连用。

eg: she is talking with me about the movie.她正在和我谈论关于那部电影的事。

2. canada n.加拿大。

canadian adj.加拿大的/n.加拿大人。

france n.法国。french adj.法国的/n.法语、法国人。

japan n.日本japanese adj.日本的/n.日本人,日语。

china n.中国。chinese adj.中国的/n.中国人,中文。

第二课时section a (grammar focus— 4 )


—what l___do you speak? —english.

2. can you s___it in english?

3. i don’t like l___in cities.

4. many children love to watch “animal w___on cctv.

5. —can jim speak j___yes, she is from japan.

二、 单项选择。

) 6. what language __your friend __

a. do; speaksb. does; speaks

c. does; speakd. do; speak

) 7. he likes __and __

a. run, singb. running; sing

c. running; singing d. run; sing

) 8. he __he is coming.

a. speaks b. says c. tells d. talks

) 9. i can see three __in the picture.

a. chineses b. china c. chinese d. chinas

) 10. what language do you speak

a. yes, i dob. no, i don’t

c. a littled. chinese and english


11. 张琳的笔友来自**?

where __zhang lin’s pen pal

12. 我的祖父母居住在上海。

my grandparentsshanghai.

13. 你的舅舅讲什么语言?

your uncle speak?

14. 世界上有多少个国家?

how many countries are there

15. 这是我的新笔友。

my new pen pal.


my (1) (笔友) angel (2) live in singapore. she can speak two language—(3) and chinese. she loves music.

she can (4) (拉小提琴). she also can play the piano. (5) she likes china very much.

1. 写出(1)处英文词组。


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