
发布 2023-03-02 15:12:28 阅读 1477

7 b unit 5巩固练习。



h**e different能力) visit the home for the___年老的).勇敢)the girl is! no烟)

boy covered himself with a___毯子) not安全)to play with a good记忆力) he has!. old man walks across the road___慢慢地) all want to推荐) daniel as our monitor.10.

you can get better结果).

12. the old man __hurt by fire) his left arm.13.

jackran quickly) into the room.14. don’t le**e him hereby oneself)b.


p___trees in spring every c___up the park over d___to play with m___job is to s___people’s very g___for your help.

shouldn’t be rude to others, it’s i___hobby is cstamps(邮票).二。用所给词适当形式填空。(30分)

1. i heard someonecall) for help just now.2.

it’s importantbe) careful with fire.3. he fell off the bike andhurt) his legs.

4. whathappen) to you yesterday?

5. lots ofvisit) come to see the great wall every exam.

7. can you teach me howdance)?

8. it’spolite) to talk so loudly in the library.9.

do you mind myclose) the window?10. that girl is good atwrite)

than before.

will do our bestlearn) english。13. howdanger) the snake is!

14. i’ll goski) this afternoon.

15. we couldn’t play football because jack forgotbring)it.

16. she isreal) kind to me.

17. we are looking forward tosee) you soon.


19. listen! how beautiful the musicsound)!

20. who carried the old man tosafe)? jack.

21. are you afraid of___go) home alone at night?22.

helpyou )to some fish and meat, tom.23. heput) out the fire and helped the woman out.

24. there are twelvemonth) in a year.25.

that man ran awayquick).

26. helennot play) football in the street.27. thank you fors**e) my dog.

28. i saw a lot of smokecome) from next door.29.

it’s polite to give yoursit) to someone on the bus.30. people h**e differentability)三.单项选择。


1. he livesbut he never feels___a .alone, aloneb.

lonely, lonelyc alone, lonelyd. lonely ,alone2. pleaseme my food, hobo.

a. bringb. takec. getcarry

3. mr. lian hour on the work.

a. spentb .tookc. usedd. paid4.

fine weather it is!

a. whatb. what ac. howd. howa5.

dr. wang asks ustoo much meat.

eatb. not eatc. not to eatd. doesn’teat6.

i heard herin her room a moment ago.

--sorry to step your foot.

a. don’t saythatb. never mindc. you’re welcomed. that’s right8. i saw a friend of

9. he __to swim when he was five.

able10. the firementhe fire in the end.

a. put onb. put upc. put outd. putdown

11. the cakes are delicious, butof us eat them because weare full.

12. what do you often dohome?

a. on the wayb. in your wayc.

on your way tod. on your way13. anboy came to our class yesterday.

a.11-year-oldb.11-years-oldc.11-yearoldd.11years old

14. i h**en’tfor a long time.

a. hear from youb. received your letterc. heard from your letterd. a ,b and c

a. to help, doesb. to help, doc. helps; with

old things of china

d. history

17. -can i go swimming alone this afternoon, dad?--no, youit’s dangerous.

a. may notb. can’tc. needn’

18. bob can’t play___football, but he can playpianovery well.

the ; a

19.--can you do it by yourself

a. no problemb. very wellc.

it doesn’t you’re welcome20. look! they are helping some old people

a. cleaning up the windowb. to carry waterc. cross the roadd. b and c

21. don’t le**e the lights __when you are

out; on

22. -what about going boating in the park this afternoon?--itgreat

d. hears

a careless; checkingb. careful; to checkc careless; to checkd. careful; checking

player award.

a. recommend; forb. to recommend; forc. recommend; tod. to recommend; to

a. no problemb. never mindc i’m sorry to hear thatd.

all right26. look at the clouds. itrain.

a. likelyb. is likelyc. is likely to

27could i look at our pictureof course you


ita. his; my; myselfb. yours; mine; ourselvesc. his; mine; myselfd. yours; my; myself

29clever boy simon is! andlovelyhe is!

a. what; howb. what a; howc. how; whatd. how; what a

30. there ism” inword “match”.a. a; anb. an; ac. an; thed. a;the


a: do you know what___1___to peter?b: yes, i __2___about it in the __3___did he do?


b:butthefire__9___hisneck, for two weeks.



nota___childat home.


imy uncle twoago.4.我们非常感激他的帮忙。

wehis 正在教妹妹怎么跳舞。

lucy isher sister六.书面表达。(15分)

假如你是三(2)班的millie,你想代表全班同学向校长推荐simon做学生会(students’ union)主席。根据以下要点写一封推荐信。1.




dear principal,7b unit 5巩固练习答案。

一.. 9. recommend

dangerous,二。 be 三。1---5caaac6---10bbdbc




26---30cbcbc四。 五。 away from,dangerous to le**e two-year-old alone from grateful for5.

teaching how to dance六。略。


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