
发布 2023-03-02 15:13:28 阅读 8526



1. daniel likes english very much. he聪明的) at it.

2. their朋友)names are millie and sandy.

3. we all want to be友好的)to other.

4. the窗户) in our classroom are very big and bright.

5. tommy wants to be a doctor when he长大)up.

6. if you don't know how to use the computer, you can read说明) book.

7. yao ming is a good basketball运动员).

8. mark twin(马克。吐温) is a风趣的) man.

9. he scored two精彩的) goals in his first match for his new team.

10. daniel wants to be a computer programmer when he成长)up.


) hobby is

a. listen to music b. to be a doctor c. to live in a flat d. chatting on the internet

) i callamy?

a. heb. himc. shed. her

) with a racket.

a. swimb. play tennis c. play football d. write

)4do you look after your e-dog?

a. whatb. whoc. how d. which

)5___you good at english?

a. dob. doesc. isd. are

) doesn’t likebut he enjoys

a. sing, dance b. to sing, to dance c. singing, to dance d. to sing, dancing

) birthday is 14th november.

a. atb. onc. ind. of

) home every day.

a. walkb. walksc. walk to d. walks to

)9. owen is __best football player in __world.

a. a ,theb. the, ac. the, thed. the, /

) has black haira ponytail.

a. withb. atc. ond. in


1. herebe) your football boots.

2. therebe) a lot of people in the supermarket.

brotherh**e) an e-dog.

4be) your english teacher chinese?

5your mother usuallygo) shopping at weekends?

6. —whereyour familyh**e) breakfast on sunday?

7. my grandma oftenwear) glasses,glassesbe) helpful for her.

8. mr wunot teach) us maths.

9. can you finishread) the book in an hour?


1. they do their homework for half an hour every day.(否定句)

theytheir homework for half an hour every day.

2. there is some water in the cup. .一般疑问句)

water in the cup?

3. daniel doesn't watch tv every evening.(肯定句)

danieltv every evening.

4. daniel lives on spring road.(就划线部分提问does daniel

5. she plays games at 4:30 (就划线部分提问she play games?

6. it's time for millie to h**e a pe lesson.(同义句) it's timepe lesson.

7. he swims very well.( 同义句he is a very

8. her birthplace is hangzhou.(同义句) shein hangzhou.

9. can i smoke here?(否定回答no


kitty: hi, millie. do you k yao ming ?

millie: yes. he is a famous(著名的) bplayer.

he is about 25 y___old. he enjoys p___computer games. he plays basketball very well in his old team, the shanghai sharks.


kitty: which team is he in now?

millie: after he left the team, he plays f___the houston rockets(休斯顿火箭队) in the usa. many people like to whim play basketball.

kitty: yes. you are right. do you play basketball?

millie: it's a pity.(遗憾).i don't often pit.

kitty: mtoo. but i often watch basketball mthey are very wonderful.

millie: i agree (同意).and i hear (听说)there is going to be a basketball match on tv.

kitty: rthen i can watch it.




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