
发布 2023-02-23 00:51:28 阅读 1674



exercises less than three times a week.(划线提问)

she exercise?围巾和牛仔裤都是棉织的吗?

2. _both the scarves and the jeans

3. (序数词要掌握:first, second, third, fifth, ninth, twentieth,注意the的使用)在我们的镇上,你的房子真的不同于我们的吗?

4.__your house really___here in our town.

5. he is good at___绘画). is he going to be___艺术家)?

6. they will make you feel___if you are(生病).她正在担心晚会穿什么衣服还有如何设计她的家了吗?

to wear to a party or how toher home?乘地铁到那个平静的小镇将花费40分钟吗?

40 minutes to thetown?

9. turn right at the second(十字路口). you’ll see the station街道拐角)再改(同义句)

10.myhometownis about twenty minutes by bus.(划线提问。

11. who is(将带我们参观)their hometown?12.

shuangdian is west of niushan, about twenty(公里)away.7b unit 5 amazing things鱼睁着眼睛上课吗?


sun is 1,300,000than the earth.

15. the fat and bones in the back of the person never(停止生长)from(出生)

16.(向往常一样), they sat down under a big tree.(该一般疑问句)theydown under a big tree?


17. themanand.

18. andy(站) beside the tree and listened(仔细)and(听见)thewhisper.

19. he(想知道)what will happen(在回家的路上).

20. nobody(回答), so he(自言自语), there isn’t___有人) here. everything is(我的).”

21. when the(虚弱)cat miaowed, it(听起来像)awhisper.

22. the day before yesterday, he picked up the cat and took it to the animal center.(疑问句,可定回答)。

the day before yesterday,heup the catit to the animal center?23. somebody(逃离) from the forest an hour ago.

24. i was(惊奇) to know that thereonly seven bones in its 将再也不害怕蛇了?

25. suzy(该复习将来时了)

26. sandwich became(流行)all over the world(后来).27.

(到)2010,(大部分)families had(至少)one tv.28. now tvs can be(和…..

一般大)152inches.短语:hear of,7b unit 6 outdoor fun(一般过去时)

29. she looked up and(看见)a white rabbit in a coat(通过)30. alice stood up and(跑着穿过)the field after the rabbit.

31. she found herself(独自)in a long, low hall.32.

alice tried(穿过)the door.(该否定句)

alicethe door.

33. people began“birds”(用……制作)wood over 2000 years ago.34(记着)take your mobile phone. (改否定句)

take your mobile phone.

35. it’sfor children(游泳)in xishuanghua lake.

36. soon alice was small enough to go through the door(改同义句).soon alice wasenoughgo through the door她决定在花园的另一面搭帐篷吗?

37she decidethe garden?她太小了够不着钥匙。

38. she wasthe key.

39. she tried(往上爬), but(失败).

必须掌握的过去式形式:become—became, forget—forgot, fall—fell, go—went,7b unit 7 abilities(can、could、may,感叹句)有些家庭甚至没有能力买钢笔和笔记本。

40. some families are not evenpens and notebooks.

41. they sent some clothes to them and(募集)some money for them.42.

what a br**e young man!(改感叹句)the young man is!他擅长绘画,他将成为一名艺术家吗?

43. he is. is he?


40 minutes to thetown by?他足够勇敢从火里把他的邻居救了出来。

45. he washis neighbora fire.(该同义句)

he wasthat hehis neighbora fire.

46. he heard someone(喊着求救) and saw a lot of(烟雾)from nextdoor.

47. hepouredwater over his clothes(自我保护).

48. he(住院)for two weeks because the fire burnt his arms(严重地).49.

their neighbor was in hospital for two weeks(提问their neighbor in hospital?

50. we should(小心)fire because it is(危险).

51. -顺便问一下), can / could you take your(照相机)with you?--没问题).他这学期正在努力学习功课吗?

52suzythe subject this term? (该复习现在进行时了)53. she was___粗心) and(没有尽力)last term.

54. she(做的更好)the school team next term.55.


___he startsix?

56. can you show me(如何弹小提琴)? 特殊疑问词+不定式做宾语)

57. i would(想推荐)danielthis year’s young staraward.(改一般疑问句他经常参加一些像为需要的孩子收集衣服的活动吗?

oftenactivities likeclothes for children?一个五岁的男孩迷路了,正在路上哭。

the street.

60. we look forward(收到你的来信)you soon.短语:put out the fire,7b unit 8 pets

61. what can you(喂)your rabbit?

62. my dog is(最聪明的动物)of all. (clever用了最高级形式,这和of all相合;及早确立“级”的概念是重要而有价值的。)

63. can your parrot(重复)your words when he(成大)?64.

there is nothing wrong with(养)a pet if you like it.(同义句)a pet if you like it.

easy(照顾)r? (形容词+不定式)66. the cat(重)about two kilograms.(划线提问the cat?

67. it will become(吵闹的) when it is hungry.


第一节 完成句子 共10小题,每题2分,满分为20分 a.完成句子,使改写后的句子完整,并与原句意思相符,注意每空只填一个单词。66.this is my family photo.this isphotomy family.67.mr.brown is my father.mrs.brown is...


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