
发布 2023-03-02 14:30:28 阅读 6706


1. 我来自武汉。

2. 我是一名学生,12岁。

3. 我来自中国,我是中国人。

4. 我父亲是北京国际学校的一名教师。

5. 你有姑姑或者叔叔吗?

6. 我有一个姑姑。我没有叔叔,也没有兄弟姐妹。

7. 今天,我们八点有语文课,九点有科学课,十点有数学课。

8. 我早晨七点半起床,然后吃早餐。

9. 她从来不穿牛仔裤和运动鞋。

10. 她经常去听**会,并且常买一些她喜欢的歌手的唱片。

11. 这水果很新鲜。

12. 他是一个非常聪明的男孩子。

13. 她现在在家里。

14. 下课了。

15. 大明会骑自行车,他不会开汽车。

16. 茶杯里还有一些水。

17. 操场上有许多学生。

18. 我有一个很可爱的宠物。

19. 他们有水果吗?

20. 我们冰箱里没有肉了。

21. 冰箱里没有肉了。

22. 今天我想步行去上学。

23. 我和他很熟。

24. 我们周一到周五上学,周末不上学。

25. 他通常在周六上午打篮球。

26. 他经常不在学校里做作业。

27. 他们起床不是很早。

28. 你在网上制定施行计划吗?

29. 他在**做作业。

30. 他们什么时候吃中饭?

i come from wuhan.( i am from wuhan.)

i am a student and i’m twelve years old.

i’m from china and i’m chinese.

my father is a teacher at beijing international school.

h**e you got any aunts or aunts?

i’ve got an aunt. i h**en’t got any uncles, or brothers and sisters.

today, we h**e chinese at eight o’clock. we h**e science at nine o’clock and we h**e maths at ten o’clock.

i get up at half past seven in the morning and h**e breakfast.

she never wears jeans or trainers.

she often goes to concerts and she usually buys cds by her f**orite singers.

the fruit is very nice.

he is a very clever boy.

she is at home now.

class is over.

daming can ride a bike. he can’t drive a car.

there is still some water in the cup.

there are many students on the playground.

i h**e got a very lovely pet.

h**e they got any fruit?

we h**en’t got any meat in the fridge.

there isn’t any meat in the fridge.

i would like to go to school on foot today.

i know him very well.

we go to school from monday to friday. we don’t go to school on the weekend.

he usually plays basketball on saturday morning.

he doesn’t do his homework at school.

they don’t get up very early.

do you make tr**el plans on the internet?

where does he do his homework?

when do they h**e lunch?


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