
发布 2023-03-01 16:26:28 阅读 1021


1. summer camp 夏令营 winter camp 冬令营。

2. friend 朋友 friendly 友好的 unfriendly 不友好的。

clear 清楚的 unclear 不清楚的 welcome 受欢迎的 unwelcome不受欢迎的。

real 真实的 unreal 不真实的

3. expensive 昂贵的 (同) dear (反)cheap

it’s too expensive. i can’t buy it. 它太贵了,我买不起。

are the books expensive or cheap? 这些书贵还是便宜?

4. corner 角落,墙角。

in the corner 拐弯处的内角 at the corner 拐弯处的外角。

he is standing in the corner. 他站在拐弯处。

5. decide v. 决定

1) decide + 名词或代词 they can’t decide anything now.

2) decide to do we decide to help him.

3) decide+ wh- +to do she can’t decide where to go?

练一练 her father decided __her himself.

a. teach b. to teach c. teaching d. taught

6. discuss v. 讨论

1) discuss sth. i want to discuss the problem with you.

2) discuss + wh- we are discussing when to start.

7. back adv. 回原处,往回去 go back 回去 come back 回来。

n. 背部,后面,后部 in/ at the back of…在……后面at the back of the house

反) in front of / in the front of

8. the great wall 长城。

he who does not reach the great wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。

9. the palace museum 故宫。

10. tian’an men square 天安门广场。

11. stay at home 呆在家里。


1. we had great fun playing in the water. 我们在水中玩得很高兴。

h**e fun (in) doing sth. 做某事很高兴 = enjoy oneself

we had a lot of fun swimming in the sea.

i h**e great fun talking with that little girl.

练一练(1) i h**e a good time on the beach. (同义句)

ion the beach.

(2) we h**e fun __sing) and __dance).

2. i found a small boy crying in the corner. 我发现一个小男孩在角落里哭。

find sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事。

he sat down and watched wang wang play with a friend black cat.

感官动词 see, hear, feel, watch, listen to, look at, find

1)感官动词+ 宾语+ 动词原形强调看到/听到整个动作,或整个事件或行为的全过程

2)感官动词+ 宾语+ 现在分词强调看到/听到行动或事件正在进行

i saw him cross the street. 我看见他过了马路。(从一边到另一边)

i saw him crossing the street. 我看见他正过马路。(正在马路中间走着)

练一练 (1) i found a dog __near the door.

a. was standing b. to standc. standd. stood

2) she heard a little boy __english.

a. readingb. readsc. to readd. is reading

3. that made me feel very happy. 那使我感到很愉快。

make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事。

使役动词 h**e, let, make 后跟不带to的不定式作宾补。

let me help you.

i’ll h**e him bring some water.

练一练 (1) helping others can make us __very happy.

a. feelingb. to feelc. feeld. felt

2) they __the boy le**e at once.

a. askedb. toldc. keptd. made

3) mother often __me __my homework after supper.

a. makes, doing b. lets, doing c. watched, to dod. makes, do



1. 陈述句的肯定式主语+动词过去式+其他成分。

they were at home last night.

she stayed at home and did her homework.

2. 陈述句的否定式主语+didn’t+动词原形+其他成分。

主语+wasn’t/ weren’t +其他成分。

her brother wasn’t at school yesterday.

my father didn’t go to work last week.

3. 一般疑问句 did + 主语+动词原形+ …

was/ were + 主语+ …

did you go to the park with your parents last sunday?

were your parents at home last night?

4. 特殊问句疑问词+一般疑问句

where did they go yesterday? how was your weekend?

练一练 (1) i did my homework yesterday evening. (改为否定句)

___you __your homework yesterday evening?

2) my vacation was pretty good (对划线部分提问)

your vacation?

3) mary visited her grandparents last sunday (对划线部分提问)

mary __last sunday ?

4) did, last, do , what, you , friday ( 连词成句)

5) jim read a book about history last night. (对划线部分提问)

jim __last night?


七年级地理下册第十单元测试题含答案。1.素有 冰雪高原 之称的大洲是 a a.南极洲 b.非洲 c.亚洲 d.北美洲。2.有关南 北极地区的说法,正确的是 a a.南极地区以陆地为主,北极地区以海洋为主 b.北极地区比南极地区冷。c.南 北极地区都有企鹅和海豹 d.南 北极地区都有长年定居人口。读南...


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