
发布 2022-08-16 09:10:28 阅读 2147

unit 9 how was your weekend?

、useful expressions:

1. clean one’s room 打扫某人的房间。

2. go to the beach/pool/mountains 去海滩/泳池/山里。

3. go to sp. 去某地(玩或做事)

4. last weekend/week/month 上个周末/星期/月。

5. on saturday morning/evening/night/afternoon


6. visit sb. 拜访/看望某人。

7. do some homework/sports 做作业/运动。

8. study for the science/math test 为理科/数学考试学习(复习)

9. stay at home 留在家里。

10. h**e a party 举行派对。

11. do some reading 阅书;进行阅读。

12. practice english 练习英语。

13. play the guitar 弹吉他。

14. study geography 学地理。

15. spend the weekend 度过周末。

16. middle school 中学。

17. at no.3 middle school 在第三中学。

18. for most kids 对于大多数孩子来说。

19. h**e a (really) busy weekend 有个(相当)忙的周末。

20. cook dinner for me 为我做晚餐。

21. read a book about history 读一本关于历史的书。

22. talk show 访谈节目

23. see an interesting talk show 看一场有趣的脱口秀节目。

24. write a new song 写首新歌。

25. enjoy one’s weekend 享受(喜欢)某人的周末。

26. go for a walk (with sb.) 和某人一起)去散步。

27. sit down 坐下。

28. watch sb. do sth. 看某人做某事(的全过程)

29. wasn’t = was not 不是(过去时)

30. h**e no dog and no family 没有狗也没有家人。

31. not want to do anything 不想做任何事。

32. look tired 看起来很累。

33. play soccer on my computer 在电脑上提足球。

34. watch an exercise video 看一盘体操录像带。

35. listen to the baseball game 听棒球赛。

36. h**e lots of things to do 有许多是要做。


1. what did you do? 你做了什么?

i played tennis. 我打过网球。

2. what about your friend? 你的朋友怎么样?

what about …?怎么样?

3. how was your weekend? 你的周末怎样?

it was great/ok. 很棒/很不错。

it wasn’t very good. 不大好。

4. we asked sb. what he did last weekend.


5. do you think everyone enjoys their weekends?


6. it was time to go home. 是时候回家了。

it is / was time to do sth. 是该做某事了。

一.单选。 )1.--how __your last weekend? -it___great.

is did

) homework yesterday.

do do ) he___to the beach___saturday afternoon?

on on )4.--what__henry do yesterday evening?

-he___a letter to his parents in shanghai.

wrote writes wrote

)5.--what did mary do for her family

cleaned the room watched tv was great

)6.--what did you do last sunday?


reads read

) the math test yesterday.

to for

) goes___a walk in the park every morning.

a. for

) don’t think she___his car yesterday.


) visited my grandmother,and i___my homework.

doing )11.__most kids,they like___computer games.

play plays

) was very didn’t do___

) so busy time to watch tv.

had ) is reading a book___history.

)15.--when did you decideon vacation?

a. go b. going c. to go d. went

)16.they had great fun __the soccer match on the tv.

a. watching b. watched c. watch d. to watch

( )kids went to the library and___there.

books books reading books

) is time___our stop___

begin,talking beginning,to talk begin,to talk

)19. nobody why he is sad.

a. knowsb. know c. knowing d. to know

( )often plays computer games___the afternoon he did some washing.

on b./,in /


1.how aboutgo)fishing tomorrow?

___be)your weekend? _stay) at home for the whole day.

family___visit) hong kong? last year.

tennis team of our school usually __practice)__play)tennis in the afternoon.

is the woman with long curly blonde hair?oh,she is a pop in the next room.

___be) the weekend? itnot be) so great.

dean___study) for the coming test last week.

___the famous musician___do)in 2008? he___write) a new song.

would you like___go)?i h**e no idea. inot want) to go anywhere.

brown___h**e) long straight hair now she___wear) a pair of sunglasses.


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