
发布 2023-03-01 04:24:28 阅读 9092



a new teacher/my new classmate




范文背诵:a new teacher

a new teacher came to our school yesterday. she is miss green. she comes from canada.

she is28 years old. she teaches us english. she likes reading and drawing.

she also loves skating. she isof medium height. she has curly blonde hair and a round face.

she wears a pair of glasses. she isfriendly to us and we all like her.


my last busy weekend内容提示:(必会表达)


范文背诵:i had a great weekend last week. i got up early on saturday morning.

then i cleaned my lunch, i did my homework. then i went to visit my friend and played with him. on sundaymorning i read books in the library.

there were many books in the library and lots of people readthere. in the afternoon, i went to play football withmy friends. we were tired but gothome at 5.

then i had supper. i went to bed after watching tv for an hour.


my last school trip内容提示:(必会表达)




范文背诵:dear tom,how is everything going?

lastmonthiwenttobeijing with my parents. we went there by train. on the first day, it was sunny.

my parents and iwent to the great wall. i was excited because the great wall was long. we took lots of photosthere.

the next day it was went shopping on wangfujing street. my mother boughtmany nice gifts for my friends. i was happy.

we had a good time in beijing.

best wished to you!

yours,wang lin颐和园。

the summer palace故宫。

the palace museum天坛。

the temple of he**en


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