七年级上重点句型 x

发布 2023-03-01 04:26:28 阅读 7689

1. fd like to be your e-friend.我想成为你的网友。

句型:sb. +would like +sth或是 sb.

+would like to do,表示"某人想要(做)”。would like没有人称和数的变化,变为一般疑问句时,只把would提前就可以。

would you like.?”是一个表示请求或建议的句型,句中用some或something,不能用 any 或 anythingo

2. welcome to my blog.欢迎来到我的博客(空间)。

句型:welcome to ..欢迎(到)…

welcome back to school欢迎回到学校。

welcome home.欢迎回家。

3. my dream is to be an engineer.我的梦想是成为一名t程师。

句型:主语+连系动词+表语。to do是作表语。这类句子的主语通常是dream, work, task 等名词。


4.1 hope to hear from you soon.我希望快点收到你的來信。

句型:hope to do/1 hope that...i hope not/1 hope so希望去做/希望 /希望不 /但愿如此。


5. what does "e-frierkt mean, hi?嗨,e-friend 是什么意思?

句型:what does ..mean?

二what's the meaning of ..what do you mean by...他们的意思都是“ 是什么意思?

”6. what does your father/mother do?你爸爸/妈妈是做什么工作的?

句型:what do/ does +sb. +do?询问某人现在从事何种职业或做什么工作。

询问职业的句型还有:what +be +sb? whafs one,s job? what do/ does+ sb. +want to be?

填空:一what ou ?

一fm a doctoi*.

7. they think of the diary as a friend.他们把 fl 记看做一个朋友。

句型:think of ..as,意为"把 …看作/当作”,其同义短语是“h**e ..as ..regard..

3s o同义句转换:

i think of him as my friend.

1)1 him my friend

2)1 him my friend.

8-some are large. some are small.有些大,有些小。

句型:some...some...others ..意为"有些,有些…,(其余的 …)


there are many people by the sea. can swim. and can^t swim.

9. today, there is a lot of pollution.当今有很多污染。

句型:there be +名词+地点状语,表示“某事或某地有某人或某物”,be的形式应该紧跟其后做主语的名词保持人称和数的一致(就近原则)。


10. about 70% of the earth is covered by watec 地球表而大约 70%被水覆盖。


1 lit is important for us to protect the earth for our future.

句型:it +be +adj. +for sb.

+ to do,意为"对于某人来说,做某事是 … 的”。其中it 在句首时作形式主语,后面的to do才是真正的主语,形容词是说明、描述to do这个动作的。在这个句型中,常用的形容词有interesting, exciting, nice, easy, difficult, hard, useful, wrong, right, important 等等。


2) 你太好了,帮助了我们。

3) 对于我们來说,学好语文很重要。

12. what about you?你呢?

句型:what about ..意为“怎么样呢?

”与hovv about ..同义。用于征询消息征求意见或建议,后面跟名词、代词或doingo女ii:

i want to go there on friday. what about you?我想星期五去那儿,你呢?

13. what is the weather like in spring?春天的天气怎样?

表示询问天气状况的句型:what is the weather like?或 how is the weather?




in guangzhou in spring?

it is l

14. tomorrow fll be one of the first students to tr**el into space.明天我将成为去太空旅行的首批学生中的一员。

句型:one of +可数名词复数形式或人称代词宾格+to do, to do作后置定语,修饰 students

ll take us about four days to get thee到达那里将花费我们四天时间。

句型:it takes sb. some time to do sth意为"某人花费多少时间做某事”,主语it是形式主语。

16. we'll h**e to tie ourselves to our beds so that we won't float away in our sleep!我们将不得不把自己绑在床上,那样睡觉时就不会浮起來。

句型:so that+目的状语从句,从句中谓语常用情态动词 may/might/can/could/should/would 等。

17. thafs a good idea.那是个好主意!

这个句型用来表示赞同、同意某人的建议、看法等。有时也说“good idea!"

let's go to the cinema! u:我们一起去看电影把!

that's a good idea!那是个好主意!

18. fm going to tell you something exciting!我打算告诉你令人兴奋的事情!

句型:be going to do sth.意为"打算做某事 ”。we are going to climb the hill tomorrow. 我们打算明天去爬山。

you like sightseeing. you will love it!如果你喜欢观光,你会爱上它的!

句型:if (表示“如果”)引导条件状语从句。从句用一般现在时,主句要用一般将来时, 简称“主将从现”。主句有时也用祈使句或含有情态动词的句子。

翻译:如果不下雨,我就会跟你去钓鱼fishing with you.

right before, i was so excited that i could not sleep!前天晚上,我太兴命了以至于睡不着。


常见的结构有: 形容词/副词 +that...many/few+复数可数名词 +that...

much/little + 不可数名词+that

m sorry to hear that ..听到这个消息我很难过。

句型:「in sorry to hear that是得知他人遇到不幸或不愉快的事情时,表示自己对此内疚或感叹的常用语,以表示礼貌。

22. what do you think of collecting?你认为收藏怎么样?

what do you think of ..意为"你觉得/认为怎么样? ”用来询问对方对某人或某事的看法。

其同义句是how do you like...两者可以进行转换。

句型:what do you think of the weather in beijing?(同义句转换) the weather in beijing?

23. finally it was time to go home.最终,我们到时间回家了。

句型:it9s time for sth.意为"到的时间了。"类似的句型还有ifs time (for sb) to do sth,意为"到(某人)做某事的时间了。”

24. you h**e your school work to do, so you shouldn't spend too much time collecting things! 你们冇学校作业耍做,所以你们不应该花太多的时间收藏东西!

句型:sb. +spend some time+ (in) doing sth.意为"某人花费时间做某事”。

sb.+ spend some time+ on sth意为“某人花费时间做某事”。

25. collecting stamps is really educational.集邮真的很有意义。


26. 其它好用的常用的句型:

1) what do you know about...关于你知道什么?

2) my f**orite subjects are maths, art and science.我最喜欢的科目是数学,艺术和科学。

3) best wishes.祝福你。

4) annie?s school is far away from her house. annie 的学校离她家很远。

5) how does sam go to school? sam 怎样上学?

6) 1 enjoy learning about different places in the world.我喜欢了解世界上不同的地方。


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