
发布 2023-02-28 15:34:28 阅读 8019



1. the __植物)are on the table.

2. jack likes __数学)very much.

3. my watch is __在……下面)the desk.

4. please tthese new books to your classroom.

baseball is on the地板).

6. who is in your房间)?

7. i需要)a new map.

8. there is an eand a pencil in his pencil case.

9. —w___is the id card? —it’s in the drawer.

10. there are three people(人) in my fthey are my father, my mother and i.


1. i need something) for class today.

2. kate and ibe) good friends.

3. where are hisdictionary)?

4. there are twophoto) on the wall.

5. arethat) your rulers?

6. herebe) some cds for you.

7. the girl ishe) sister. do you knowshe) name?

8. do you h**e a set ofkey)?

9. can iwatch) tv, mom?

10. theybe not) my grandparents.


1. —what are thesesome pictures.

a. these are b. those are c. they are d. it is

2. we h**e a map __the wall __our classroom.

a. of, in b. of, of c. on, in d. on, of

3. i can see a girl and an old manpicture 2.

a. on b. in c. of d. at

4. jimis my aunt, helen. auntis my classmate, jim.

a. she; he b. this; this c. she; this d. this, that

5the pen away(拿走) and __me a pencil, please.

a. take; bringb. bring; take

c. take; taked. bring; bring

6. —what are those? —they are three __and __alarm clock.

a. photo; a b. photos; a c. photo; an d. photos; an

7. i h**euncle. he is a teacher.

a. theb. a c. an d. /

8. —is the book on the bookcase

a. yes, it's. b. yes, it is. c. no, it's not. d. i am not know

9. —is mr. smith? —he is in the room.

a. who b. what c. where d. how

10. —are the boys your cousins

a. yes, they are b. yes, they’re c. yes, he is d. they are

11. —what are they

a. i don't know. b. yes, they are. c. they are card. d. it's a book

12. is jackbrother?

a. you b. your c. he c. me

13. —is ann tom's sister

a. yes, it is b. yes, he is c. yes, she is d. yes, they are

14. what’s that __chinese?

b. with d. of

15. —is that __apple? —yes, it is. it's __red apple.

a. a, a b. a, an c. an, an d. an, a


1. her hat is on the bed. (对划线部分提问)

her hat?

2. tom's pens are in the pencil case. (改为一般疑问句)

pens in the pencil case?

3. those are english books. (改为单数形式)

english book.

4. is mary jim's sister? (做否定回答)

no5. tom's、in、are、books、bookcase、the、(?连词成句)

6. the watch is nice. (改为复数形式)


7. he can answer some questions. (改为否定句)

heanswer __questions.

8. she is my cousin. (同义句)

she is my aunt’s

9. i know the boy’s name. (改为否定句)

ithe boys’ name.

10. the cds are in the drawer. (对划线部分提问)

the cds?

11. what’s this ? 改为复数形式)

what12. is that your backpack? (改为肯定句)


13. it is a red ruler. (改为复数形式)

red14. his telephone number is 87723657. (对划线部分提问)

telephone number?


1. 我哥哥的两本字典在沙发上。

my __twoare on the sofa.

2. 你的闹钟在抽屉里吗?

___your __clock in the drawer?

3. tom的录像带在哪?它们在桌子上。

tom'sthey’re on the table.

4. 请把你的电脑给我带来。

please __your computer

5. 这些是你的钢笔吗?

your pens?

6. 笔记本不在桌子上。

the notebookon the desk.


under the sofa?


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