
发布 2023-02-25 05:54:28 阅读 6594


英语试卷。 说明:本试卷听力占20分,笔试占80分,满分100分。考试时间80分钟。)


一、 情景反应(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


)1. a. i’m twelve. b. i’m from china. c. my father is a doctor.

)2. a. orangeb. an orangec. six.

)3. a. she can sing. b. she is a singer. c. she works hard.

)4. a. i’m going to fly kites.

b. i’m playing basketball now. c.

i go to see a film.

)5. a. yes, it isb. yes, there it is. c. yes, there is.




)6. how many classes are there in grade one?

a. 8b. 9c. 16.

)7. what are the students doing in the classroom?

a. they are h**ing lessons. b. they are singing. c. they are seeing a film.


)8. what juice does the man like best?

a. apple juiceb. banana juicec. grape juice.

)9. how much will the man give to the woman?

a. 6 yuanb. 12 yuanc. 18 yuan.


)10. what will they h**e tonight?

a. some eggsb. tomato and egg soup. c. fish soup.

)11. how many bottles of milk will the man buy?

a. oneb. threec. four.

)12. when will he come back?

a. in an hour. b. in half an hourc. in two hours.


)13. who does betty go to the shop with?

a. her motherb. her fatherc. her friend.

)14. what can’t they buy in the shop?

a. foodb. clothesc. toys.

)15. how many days is the shop open in a week?

a. 5 daysb. 6 daysc. 7 days.

三、听取信息 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)




) 21. -thank __for __help, kate.

you are welcome.

a. you; youb. you; yourc. your; you

)22no, he can’t

a. what can tom do b. can you play the piano c. can tom play the piano

)23. people often lose things when they are in __hurry.

a. 不填b. thec. a

)24. therea he**y rain in our city tomorrow.

a. will h**eb. will has c. will be

)25. next week my father and ih**e a picnic in zhongshan park.

a. am going tob. go toc. are going to

)26. -is this __bike?

--nois black.

a. your; myb. your; minec. yours; mine

)27. every year there arepeople come to visit our school.

a. hundredsb. hundreds ofc. hundred

)28. lily and lucy enjoybooks after school

a. readingb. readsc. read

)29. i often play football __sunday morning.

a. inb. onc. at

)30. -i’m going to h**e a trip in england.

a. good luckb. h**e a good timec. i’m not sure

五、完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)


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