七年级 上 英语期中试卷含答案

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is a铅笔).

2. he is from __中国).

3. that’s a __电脑).

4. what’s that? that’s a __手表).

5. —is this a __茶杯) ?

no, it isn’t.

6. what __班级) are you in?

7. _看)! what’s that? it is a __尺子).

8. this is an __桔子).

9. lin tao is ten. i’m十二岁).

10. and what’s this? it’s a书包).

二。 连词成句。(每小题1分,共5分)

1. i, in, one, am, class.

2. english, what, in, that, is

3. is, what , color, it

4. is, where, my, pencil-box

5. you , meet , to , nice ,too

三。 句型转换,每空一词。(每小题一分,共10分)

an old english car.(改为一般疑问句)

an old english car?

2. is this a chinese book? (作否定回答)

___it __

model plane is under the bed . 就划线部分提问)

your model plane ?

4. that is an english book. (就划线部分提问)

___that ?

pen is red. (就划线部分提问)

the pen?

ying is in class 1.(改为一般疑问句)

___liu ying __class 1?

7. that is an orange in english. (就划线部分提问)

in english?

8. i’m fine today. (就划线部分提问)


9. do you h**e a soccer ball? (作肯定回答)

10. is it an apple. (作否定回答)

四。 用am, is, are填空。(没小题1分,共10分)

1. i___a student.

2. what___your name,please?

3. how old___you, mike?

4. this___mr wang.

5. -where __t”? it___here.

6. -excuse me. _you tan lin? -yes, i___

7. -how __you? -i___fine. thank you.

8sun mei here? -no, she __not.

9. -what __this? -it __b”.

10. -i __sorry. -that __all right.

五。 从ⅱ栏中找出与ⅰ栏相适应的答语。(每小题1分,共10分)

六。 选择填空。(每小题1分,共20分)

) 1. -what class are you in? -i’m in __

a. class 1 b. grade 1 c. class 1 d. 1

) 2. -am i in class 2? -yes

a. i’m b. i am c. you are d. you are not

) 3. you __ten and i __nine.

a. are, am b. is, am c. are, is d. are, are

) 4. -how do you do

a. fine b. i’m thirteen c. how do you do d. i do

) 5. -is this a pencilit’s a ruler.

a. yes, i am b. yes, it is c. no, it isn’t d. no, i’m not

) 6is your teacher? -ah, it’s a secret.

a. where b. what c. itd. how old

) 7. -that’s a caryes, _is a chinese car.

a. itb. itc. this d. that

) 8. -is that an __bus? -no, it’s a red bus.

b. red c. english d. your

) 9you mr green? -yes, my name __jim green.

a. are, is b. are, am c. is, am d. is, are

)10i like red.

a. how do you do b. are you like red

c. what color do you like d. how are you

)11. _you spell your name, please?

a. are b. doc. can d. h**e

)12. -what’s thisit’s __my book.

a. ab. anc. the d. /

)13. he’s number 1, in row 2. he’s not in __

a. row 2 b. row 1 c. class 1 d. grade 2

)14that’s a big apple.

a. listen b. yesc. look d. see

)15it’s b.

a. where’s bb. what’s your name

c. can you spell it, please d. what’s this in english

)16. -where arepens? are __in the box?

a. my ,theyb. your, you c. his ,them d. he ,they

)17. what is this __english?


海口二中2015 2016学年度第一学期。七年级英语科期中考试卷。命题人 陆丹柳审核人 林怀芳时间 90分钟满分 100分得分 听力部分 20分 听句子选图画 共5小题 每小题1分,满分5分 看图听句子,选出与句子意思一致的图画。每个句子读一遍。abcde 情景反应 共5小题 每小题1分,满分5分 ...


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