
发布 2023-02-23 06:41:28 阅读 8513

2014 -2015学年度上学期七年级。




)1. a. b. c.

)2. a. b. c.

) b. c.

) b. c.

jane soniabill

) b. c.


)6. a. i’m jack. b. nice to meet you, too . c. hello!

)7. a. yes, it is. b. yes, it’s linda’s.

c. it is in the lost and found case.

) it’s red. b. a pen. c. r-e-d.

) jack b. white c. a ring

) yes, please. b. thank you. c. good morning!



)11. what is it?

a. a watch b. a clock c. a pen

)12. whose(谁的) watch is it?

a. jack’s b. mike’s c. mary’s


)13. what’s the girl’s first name?

a. mary b. black c. gina

)14. what are they talking about?(他们正在讨论什么?)

a. a pen b. a backpack c. a ruler

)15. what color is it?

a. black b. red c. blue

笔试部分。一、默写( 10分)




)1.— how is miss li?

she is fine.

a. nice b. good c. ok d. nine

)2. gina smith’s family name is smith.

a. my name b. first name c. last name d. english name

)3. mary, this is my family photo.

a. name b. phone c. picture d. card

)4 --is this your pencil ? no, it’s not mine .

a. my b. my pencil c. i d. me

)5. my parents are teachers.

a. brother and sister b. uncle and aunt

c. father and mother d. son and daughter

三、单项选择(15 分)

) 1. —good morning, helenjane!

a. good afternoonb. good evening

c. good morningd. good night

) 2. —what’sname? —he is jim.

a. his b. my c. your d. her

) 3. —hi, cindy. how are you

a. how do you dob. how are you?

c. i’m fine, thank you. d. my name’s gina.

) 4. —what’s this? —it’s an

a. pen b. eraser c. key d. cup

) 5is sheshe is my sister.

a. what b. how c. who d. where

) 6. —what is your first name

a. jack b. green c. jack green d. green jack

) 7. —how do you spell pen

a. this is a pen b. it’s a pen c. p-e-n d. yes. p-e-n

) 8. —what’s the girl’sit is 886-9938.

a. name b. family name c. phone number d. first name

) 9. is that your watch

a. yes, i am b. no, i’m not c. yes, that is d. no, it isn’t

) 10. please call me9543526.

a. inb. ofc. atd. on

) 11.— is he jackhe is bob .

a. yes , he is . b. no, he isn’t c. yes , it is . d. no, it isn’t .

) 12. jenny , these __my parents and that __my sister .

a. is, is b. are , are c is , are d. are , is

) 13. _is my schoolbag?

a. what b. where c. who d .where

) 14 — are these your brothers

a, yes, it is. b. yes, they are . c. yes, i am . b. no , it isn’t .

) 15. —tom , this is my friend ,mike .

a. nice to meet you , mike. b. what’s your name ?

c. good morningd. what’s your telephone number


)1. what color is the jacketa. yes, it is.

)2. what’s your telephone number? b. it’s red

)3. spell rulerc. good afternoon!

)4. good afternoond. r-u-l-e-r.

)5. what’s this in englishe. it’s 568—6888

)6. is this your penf. it’s an orange.

)7. where is the pencilg. her first name is jenny.

)8. what’s her first nameh. it’s on the desk .

)9. how do you doi. no, she isn’t .

) she your auntj. how do you do?


a: hello! i 1. helen. what’s 2. name?


2011年民族中学七年级 上 期中综合素质测评试卷。满分为120分考试时间为120分钟 姓名 班级 得分 第一部分听力 共2节,满分30分 第一节听录音,从三个选项中选出你所听到的单词,字母,短语,并把答案的序号填入题前括号内。每小题1分,共20分。念两遍。whatb.what sc.this gb...


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