
发布 2023-02-23 04:33:28 阅读 8004



. 字母(20分)

a) 根据所给字母,写出与其相邻的字母(注意大小写形式)。(10分,每空一分)

b) 写出下面字母相应的大(小)写形式。(10分,每空一分)

. 词汇(30分)

a. 根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词或短语。(5分,每空一分)

16. you may患)感冒).

17. may i h**e your橡皮)?

18. i can go and buy some at the商店).

19. can i get a new短裙)?

20. whose围巾,头巾) is this.

b. 用am,is,are,he,she,it,her,his,its,my,they,them,their填空。(10分,每空一分)

21. whather name?__name is wang mei.

22. peter and li ming___good friends,__are in class four.

23. ia good teacher,i love __students.

24. the girljack’s student,__is in red coat.

25. thisa boy, _wears a yellow shirt.

c. 从方框中选择适当的单词填空。(5分,每空一分)

26. jenny is from __

27. she is our __

28. what is your f**ourite

29. jenny,you___like blue.

30. here is some red


are you




. 单项选择(10分,每题一分)

) 36. —hi, michael.

wang lin.

a. hib. okc. yesd. sure

) 37. this isfriend, mr. wang.

a. ib. youc. myd. a

) 38you kate?

yes, i am.

a. amb. arec. isd. be

) 39pencils are there?

there are seven.

a. whereb. what c. how many d. how much

) 40. —what’s this?

it’sa. pencil b. a pencil c. pencils d. three pencils

) 41name is bill, andname is jack.

a. my; he b. my; his c. i; he d. i; his

) 42. —jim,what colour do you like?

i like

a. c. desk d. maker

) 43. —li ming and i are good

a. girlb. boyc. friends d. friend

) 44. —what is your f**ourite colour?

a. my f**ourite colour is blue. b. my f**ourite is colour.

c. blue colourd. my f**ourite is

) 45. —look!it’s __

a. rainb. rains c. raining d. to rain


will wear her f**ourite dress to the party.(改为否定句)

sheher f**ourite dress to the party.

girl looks so pretty.(对画线部分提问)

the girl look?

women wear colourful clothes in the party.(改为单数形式)

thiscolourful clothes in the party.

goes back and puts on a jacket.(改为一般疑问句)

___danny __back and put on a jacket?

like pink pencil.(对画线部分提问)

you like?

is from china.(改为同义句)

hefrom china.

are erasers.(改为单数形式)

___is __eraser.

h**e some rulers.(改为否定句)

i __h**e __rulers.

this your eraser?(给出肯定回答)

___it __

that a blackboard? (给出否定回答)


this is my friend , is __56___and green are her f**ourite

__57___she doesn’t __58___is __59___a blue

are her f**ourite __60__.she likes pants,__61__.she has two __62__ of pants.__63__

brown. _64__ shirt is this?it’s li ming’ ming is__65__ brother.



. 阅读理解 (20分,每空2分。

ahello! my name is danny. i’m a boy.

i live in canada. i h**e a friend. her name is jenny.

she lives in canada, too. li ming is my friend, too. he is a chinese boy.

he likes english. and his english is good. ms.

liu is his english teacher. she is a good teacher. jenny and i like china.


2012 2013学年七年级英语上学期月考试题 字母 20分 a 根据所给字母,写出与其相邻的字母 注意大小写形式 10分,每空一分 b 写出下面字母相应的大 小 写形式。10分,每空一分 词汇 30分 a.根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词或短语。5分,每空一分 16.you may患 感冒 17....


七年级上学期语文月考试题。附答案卷和答案 一 语言知识积累与运用。27分 1.下列加点字字音和字形完全正确的一项是2分 a.迸溅 b n沉淀 di n 忍俊不禁仙露琼桨。b.啜泣 zhu伫立 zh灰心丧气一丝不荀。c.屡次 l迂回 y瘦骨嶙峋盘虬卧龙。d.伶仃 t n训诫 ji头晕目炫高不可攀。2 ...


一 选择题 每小题2分,共60分 1.下列哪项是藻类植物 苔藓植物 蕨类植物共同特征 a 具有根 茎 叶 b.都是多细胞的植物 c.靠孢子繁殖后代 d.有输导组织。2.诗句 西湖春色归,春水绿于染 中的绿,是由于春天气温适宜,水中的某种植物大量繁殖的结果。这类植物主要是 a.藻类植物 b.苔藓植物 ...