七年级英语myname sgina单元测试题

发布 2023-02-22 21:47:28 阅读 8073

unit 1 my name’s gina


a)英汉短语互译。(5分)1.他最喜欢的科目2.一个新笔友 united difficult

b)根据句意及单词首字母提示,用本单元所学单词完成下面句子。(5分) is in a___are from j___l___in beijing, china.4.

-what l___do you speak? is a large c___

c)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分) pen pal __speak) _live) in shanghai.

think this is a very __interest) _birth) is in like singing and __play) sports.ⅱ.根据答语用恰当的疑问词填空。

(5分)1.-_is your pen pal from?-shanghai.

2.-_does she live?-toronto.

3.-_language do you speak?-english.

4.-_does your pen pal like?-english.

5.-_is your f**orite color?-black.

ⅲ.选择填空。(10分) is __from?

a. sam and billb. your friendsc. tom's pen pal2.-_

no, they are from are they from parisb. are they from londonc. where are they sister sings __a.

niceb. wellc. very good

little boy can __tellb. sayc. speak

you __me the way to your school?a. tellb.

sayc. f**orite __is cityb. countryc.

do it __yourc. comes __inb. fromc.

you write __soon?a. sheb.

ourc. to her

re from the united states. they speak __a. chineseb. englishc. french


我认为她不是来自巴西。i __think she is __brazil.2.

她来自**?__is she __3.我最喜欢的语言是汉语。

myis chinese.

4.我认为中国是一个非常有趣的地方。i thinka very interesting place.5.我会讲一点法语。

i can speakfrench.ⅴ.按要求改写句子。(10分)

1. my pen pal speaks english. (改为否定句)my pen palenglish.

boy speaks english. (改为一般疑问句)__that boy __english?

3. that girl can speak english and chinese. (就划线部分提问can that girl speak?

4. my english teacher is from london. (就划线部分提问your english teacher from?

lives in tonghua. (就划线部分提问she live?ⅵ.


根据对话内容,在空格上填入恰当的单词。(maggie=msammie=s)m: do you h**e a pen pal?

s: yes, i h**e. her name is sally. she's __1) where __2) she live?

s: she lives __3) seoul, the capital city of __4) languages does she speak?

s: she __5) korean. but she __6) also speak a little what does she like?

s: she likes reading, but she __7) like doing sports. what __8) you?

do you h**e a penpal?

m: yes, i do. my pen pal is from sydney, australia.

her name is cissy. she speaks what does she like?

m: she likes going to movies __9) friends, but she doesn't like __10)tv at home.ⅶ.


hello! my name's fiona,__1) i'm a teacher.

i work in a school in the mornings and in the afternoons __2) monday to the evenings i watch tv, _3) music, read, or write letters.

in britain we __4) work at the weekend, so on saturdays i go shopping in the morningor in the afternoon, and, in the evening, i go to the movies __5) see friends.

i don't live __6) my family so on sunday morning i go to their house.

we h**e sunday lunch and then my father and brother __7) the football on tv. my sisterand i don't like football so __8) go for a walk with mum on sunday afternoon.

___9) sunday evening, i correct my students' homework. i go to bed __10) 9:00 get up at 7:

00 a. m. i don't like monday mornings!

butb. andc. ord.

forb. ofc. ond.


listen b. listen to c. listens d.

aren'tb. arec. don'td.

orb. butc. withd.

/b. andc. ind.

lookb. seec. watchd.

web. usc. ourd.

inb. onc. atd.

in ofb. onc. ind.


mrs mills goes to london, she doesn't know london well and she can't find her way. suddenly(突然), she sees a man at a bus stop. "i can ask him the way.

" she says to herself. "excuse me,"

she says. "can you tell me the way to king street, please?" the man smiles pleasantly.

he doesn'tunderstand english. he speaks german. he is a tourist(游客).

he puts his hand into his pocket,and takes out a phrase-book. he opens the book and finds a phrase. he reads the phrase slowly, "iam sorry.

" he says, "i don't speak english." mills goes to __a. france b.

england c. china

mills doesn't know the __very wayb. timec. mills has to ask __the way.

a. an americanb. a germanc. a man is there to __

a. see a friendb. learn englishc.

visit the of the following is true?a. the man can't speak english the man tells mrs mills the way.

c. the man finds the way in the phrase-book for mrs mills.

a) f**orite subject2. a new pen pal3.在周末4.美国5.太难b)

t, littleⅴ.

t, language4. where; doesⅵ


unit4 my name s gina.复习讲义。学习目标 1,掌握新单词,短语以及句子 2,学习如何介绍自己和问候别人,询问 号码等 3,培养学生养成与人交流的习惯,热爱学校的生活。一 短语。1.我 2.我的 3.你 4.你的 5.他 6。他的 7 她 8她的 9你的杯子 10 她的 号码 11...

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