
发布 2023-02-22 21:34:28 阅读 6724

unit10 i’d like some noodles.

短语归纳】1. would like 想要2. take one’s order 点菜。

3. beef soup 牛肉汤4. one bowl of…一碗……

5. what size 什么尺寸6. ma po tofu with rice 带有米饭的麻婆豆腐。

7. what kind 什么种类8. small / medium / large bowl 小/ 中 / 大碗。

9. green tea 绿茶10. orange juice 橘汁。

11. around the world 世界各地 12. birthday cake 生日蛋糕。

13. the number of…的数量14. make a wish 许个愿望。

15. blow out 吹灭16. in one go 一口气。

17. come true 实现18. cut up 切碎。

用法集萃】1. would like + sth. 想要某物2. would like + to do sth. 想要做某事。

3. why don’t you + do sth.? 何不做某事4. the number of + 名词复数……的数量。

重点句式】1. -你想要什么?--what would you like? =what do you want?

-我想要一些面条:--i’d like some noodles. =i want some noodles.

句型:想要某东西:would like sth = want sth (后跟名词,不加to)

想要做某事:would like to do sth = want to do sth (后跟动词,加to)

练:(1) do you want

a. speak english b. to the new pants c. ho home d. to go to school

2) would you likedrink) some green tea?

2. 餐厅英语:

-我能帮您吗?--can i help you? =what can i do for you? =what would you like?

-我想要一些面条。--i’d like some noodles. (i’d = i would)

你想要什么种类的面?--what kind of noodles would you like?

-我想要牛肉番茄面。--i’d like beef and tomato noodles. (注意用“单数”)

你想要多大碗的面?--what size bowl of noodles would you like?

-我想要一中碗面。--i’d like a medium bowl of noodles. (一中碗…)

什么种类:what kind 什么尺寸:what size

一大/小碗面条:a large/small bowl of noodles

3. -你想吃些东西吗?--would you like something to eat?

-(接受)好的:--yes, please. 或yes, i’d like/love to. 不能用:yes, i would.

拒绝)不,谢谢。--no, thanks.

练:--would you like some tea

a. yes, i would b. yes, please c. no, i don’t d. no, please

4. 我要买它:i’ll take it. (此处的“买”不能用buy,只能用take)

5. 那是全部吗?好了吗?完了吗?--is that all?

6. 特色菜一15个饺子只要10元\:special 1 is just(only) 10rmb for 15 dumplings.

7. some+不可数名词(无复数,不能加s),作句子主语时,动词用“三单”。


练:(1) some chickenbe) in the bowl. some eggsbe) on the table.

2) i’d like some __and __

a. porridge, vegetables b. beef, tomato c. french fries, orange juices

8. “肯定句”的两者或两者以上用“and”连接:i’d like dumplings and orange juice.

否定句”的两者或两者以上用“or”连接:i don’t like green tea or porridge.

9. 肯定句中表达“一些”用some;


如:(1) i would like some beef noodles. (2) i wouldn’t like any chicken noodles.

3) i didn’t h**e __money for a taxi.

10. 关于“人称代词”的用法:

1) 实义动词后的“人称代词”用宾格;如:can you help me? he doesn’t like them.

2) 介词后的“人称代词”用宾格;如:do you want to go with us?

11. 吃某东西当早餐:eat/h**esth for breakfast

在早餐时间吃东西:eatsth at the breakfast time

12. 句型:某人/某东西怎么样?:what about sb/sth?

做某事怎么样?:what about doing sth? what about = how about

13. 中国食物:chinese food 中国餐馆:chinese restaurants

西方食物:western food 西方餐馆:western restaurants

14. 一碗:a bowl 一大/中/小碗:a big bowl, a medium bowl, a small bowl

一大/中/小碗…:a big/medium/small bowl of…两大碗:two big bowls of…

一杯绿茶:a cup of green tea

15. 在饺子店:at the house of dumplings = at the dumping house

在甜品屋:at a dessert house/shop

16. 一些很棒的特色菜:some great specials

特色菜1:special 1

17. (1) drink v. 喝;如:what would you like to drink?

2) drink n. 饮料;(复数+s) 如:cola is a kind of drinks.

18. (1) kind of 有点;(无形式变化)如:he is kind of lazy.

2) a kind of 一种;(单数)如:english is a kind of languages.

3) kinds of 多种;(复数)如:there are many kinds of languages in the world.

典句必背】1. what kind of noodles would you like? 你想要哪种面条? 6. yes, please. 好吧。

2. i’d like beef noodles, please. 我想要牛肉面3. what size would you like? 你想要多大的?

4. i’d like a medium bowl, please. 我想要一个中碗的。

5. would you like a large bowl? 你想要一个大碗的吗?

7. if he or she blows out all the candles in one to, the wish will come true.



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