
发布 2020-04-02 14:05:28 阅读 5442


unit 1 词组和习惯用语。

pay for 付钱come up with 提供,提出

think of 认为,想起pick up 拾起,捡起

finish doing完成,做完sooner or later迟早

encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励…做fill in 填写,装满

used to 过去常常in the schoolyard 在校园里

on the shelf在架子上

unit2 词组和习惯用语。

h**e a try 尝试all over the world 全世界。

be famous for 以…而著名neither… nor 既不,也不…

no matter 不管give up 放弃。

both…and… 和…都ever since 从那时起,此后一直。

come true 实现set off 出发。

step into 进入slow down 减慢。

a crowd of 一批be proud of 以…而骄傲。

not only…but also… 不但…而且so far 到现在为止。

speak highly of 称赞(某人h**e / take … off 休假。

unit3 词组和习惯用。

be afraid of 害怕a piece of music 一首乐曲。

protect the environment 保护环境improve the environment 改善环境。

as soon as 一…就plant trees 种树。

base on 以…为根据do well in 在…做得好。

all one’s life 一生cut down 砍倒。

make a contribution to贡献给,捐献。

unit4 词组和惯用法。

as soon as possible 尽快all kinds of 各种各样。

keep doing sth. 一直做fall / fast asleep (很快)入睡

wake up 醒来hurry up 赶快。

right now 现在。


decide to do sth. 决定做某事do by oneself 自己做。

walk along 沿…走the second largest 第二大。

at the airport 在飞机场go straight along 沿…笔直走

think about 考虑h**e a good time 过得愉快。

unit6 词组和惯用法。

h**e an accident出事故be amazed at 对…感到惊讶。

clear up 清除、收拾干净on earth 在地球上。

take park in 参加as long as 长达,达…之久。

thousands of 成千上万stop doing.停止做某事。

encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励、激励某人。

unit7 词组与惯用法。

be able to 能会come up with 想出、找出。

give up 放弃work on 继续工作。

try out 试验、尝试h**e nothing to do with 与…无关。

teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事became interested in 对…产生兴趣。

at the age of 在…岁时start doing 开始做。

see sb. doing sth. 看见某人做某事rush out 冲出去。

so …that 如此…以致open up 开放。

think more of 看重、重视turn down 关小、调低。

tell / ask sb. to do sth. 告诉/要某人做某事。

unit8 词组与惯用法。

put up 挂起、举起as well也、又、同样地。

even though 即使。

live on 继续存在、继续活着once upon a time从前,很早以前。

at last终于,最后give birth to 生(孩子)

at the top of 在…顶部fill …with把…填满。

no longer不再can’t wait to do 迫不及待地做…

spend …doing …花费…做according to 根据。

unit9 词组与惯用法:

be made in 在…生产或制造be made of 由…组成、由…构成。

be used for 用于a tv set 一台电视机。

all over the world 全世界。

unit10 词组和惯用法。

on show 展览hundreds of 数以百计。

on display 陈列a group of 一群(组)

human being 人类be covered with 被…覆盖。

in the old days 从前be filled with 被装满。


so that 以便、以致hear of 听说。

run away 流失、逃跑in this way 用这种方法。

point to 指向far away 很远、遥远。

thanks to 由于、幸亏the more the better 越多越好。

hand in 交上来more or less 多少有点…

tree planting day 植树节knock …into把…插进。

as often as possible尽可能多地keep…from阻止…做。

the great green wall绿色长城millions of 成百万的。

in a few years’ time 几年后in / out of class 课内/外。

unit12 词组和惯用法。

point at 指示、指向send up 发射。

shut down 把…关上set one’s mind to do…一心想做…

tr**el / go round …绕…转so far 到现在为止。

all the time 一直、总是put off 推迟、拖延。

connect …to … 把…连接到make telephone calls 打**。

space ships without people 不载人宇宙飞船。

learn more about the earth. 了解关于地球的更多情况。

with one’s help. /with the help of 在…帮助下。


一。 选择填空(30分)

)1. every student in our class has __good progress since last term.

a. madeb. takenc. doned. got

) 2. –excuse me, can you tell me the answer to this question?

--sorry, i can’t do it. i h**e to __about it.

a. talkb. thinkc. writed. worry

)3. –why do___students in your school wear glasses?

--all the students here do eyes exercises three times a day.

a. fewb. somec. manyd. most

) 4. now class, we’re going to watch a cartoon film. please___carefully and tell me what you __

a. listen, listen b. listen, hear c. hear, listen d. hear, hear

) 5. would you turn __your radio a little? your sister is writing her composition now.

a. onb. offc. upd. down

) 6. –robert, i can’t draw the sign well on the blackboard. could you __me a hand?

a. affordb. getc. gived. le**e

) 7.--h**e they found a way to stop the flu in the school?

--yes, they h**e already __up with an idea.

a. lookedb. putc. comed. get

) 8. it can __you fit to do enough exercise and drink more water every day.

a. giveb. keepc. bringd. put

) 9. –which is your f**ourite sport? swimming, surfing or diving?

a. neitherb. nonec. nord. no one

) driver __down at the corner of the track because it’s dangerous to keep fast.

a. putb. satc. cutd. slowed

) better stay at home. the wind is blowing __at the moment.


新目标2010年七年级下册复习。unit 1 一 重点短语 1 笔友 2 来自3 speak english4 写信给 5 like and dislike 6 去看电影7 做运动8 f orite subject9 在周末10 enjoy doing sth11 住在12 a little fre...


一 翻译。1 天气怎么样?he weather?the weather like?2 你在干什么?what re you 3 最近可好?马马虎虎!4 他正在他朋友家里面学习。hehis friend s home 5 现在是多云的天气!it is now 6 听起来你玩的很开心呀!you a gre...


unit1语法知识点。talk,say,tell.这四个词都有说,讲话的意思,但使用起来仍然有很大区别。1 speak强调说话的能力,开口说话,演讲,说某种语言。he can speak english.2 talk意为说话,谈话,一般用作不及物动词,指一般的谈话或交谈,后接宾语时,要与to,wit...