
发布 2020-04-02 14:16:28 阅读 1461


talk, say, tell.这四个词都有说,讲话的意思,但使用起来仍然有很大区别。


he can speak english.

2)talk意为说话,谈话,一般用作不及物动词,指一般的谈话或交谈,后接宾语时,要与to, with, about等介词连用。

i’m talking to/with your parents.我们正在和你的父母交谈。

talk to sb.意为和某人谈话,谈话者以主语为主。

the english teacher talked to tom yesterday.

talk with sb.意为和某人谈话,指主语和宾语之间互相谈话。

i talked with my friend yesterday.

talk about sth.谈论某事。

they are talking about the exciting movie.

3)say 一般着重讲话的内容,指有连贯性的说话,通常用用作及物动词。

please say goodbye to the teacher.

4)tell意为告诉,讲述,指某人把某一件事,一条信息传给别人话讲述一件事。常用短语tell the truth 讲实话。

please tell me a story.

tell sb. about sth.表示告诉某人关于某事。

let me tell you about the way to solve this question.

tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人去做某事。

the teacher tells us to go home at once after school today.

给……看;展示,经常和介词to搭配,构成show sth. to sb.短语,意为把某物出示给某人看,相当于show sb. sth.

can you show the teacher your notebook?=can you show your notebook to the teacher?

adv.也,而且,常常用在句中。she is also good at english.


either 也意为也,用于否定句中,而且要放在句末。

if you don’t go, i will not go either.

(sb.) with sth.

let me help you with your homework.

help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事。

can you help me clean the classroom?

5. be good wih 善于;对……有办法。

he is good with the children.

be good at, be good for, be good to

1) be good at擅长于……

i’m good at playing chess.

be good for对……有好处。

eating more vegetables is good for your health.

be good to 对……友好。

my friend was good to me when i was ill.

v.讲授,教。teach sb. sth.

miss yang teaches us english.

teaches b. to do sth.

my brother teaches us to drive the car.

7. like 喜欢,后面可以接动名词-ing,like doing sth.表示一贯性的喜欢做某事,后面也可以接动词不定式,即like to do sth.


i like going for a walk after dinner.

i often do sports on weekends, but i don’t like to do it today.


he needn’t worry about it.

9. call sb. at……意为给某人打**,号码是……,at后面接**号码。

if you h**e trouble, please call the police station at 110.

adj.忙碌的,繁忙的,常用结构:be busy doing sth.忙于做某事。

be busy with sth.忙于某事。

mr. zhang is busy ****** money these days.


i can cook well.我能把饭做好。he can swim for three hours.他能游三个小时。


he can speak a little chinese, but he can’t speak well.

the little girl can’t finish her homework in half an hour.

3.变疑问句直接把can提前, can sb. do sth.?

can you dance? 回答是用yes, i/ he/ she/ we/ they can. 或者不是,用no, i/ you/ he/ they/ she/’ can’t.

记住can后用原形,否定用can’t, 疑问can 提前再说sb. do sth.


i want to do sth.我想要做某事。

i like doing sth. 我喜欢做某事。

i can do sth.我能做某事。


1. job 工作,职业。jim has a good job.

work job


the work is too hard. i can’t finish it in half an hour.

job 主要指雇佣有报酬的工作,是可数名词。

he has a good job in the bank.

2. exercise v.锻炼,训练。

you must exercise yourself in order to be strong and healthy.

1) n.锻炼,练习,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。

i’m doing my exercises.我在做练习。


take more exercise, and you will be healthy. 多多锻炼,你会健康的。

time意为什么时间, 通常对具体的时间点进行提问。

what time did you go swimming yesterday?你昨天几点去游泳的?

at four o’clock.

4.1) at 后面通常接表示具体时间点。

i usually h**e breakfast at seven o’clock.



i think the shop is closed at this time of day.


what do you often do at noon?


at the age of nine, the boy could swim well.

2) in和on 的用法。


she came to this city in 1980.


they will go to see you in a week.


don’t watch tv too much in the evening.



jack was born on may 10th, 1982.


i heard this story on sunday morning.


we usually eat moon cakes on mid-autumn festival.

5. h**e breakfast意为吃早饭 h**e breakfast/ lunch/ supper/ dinner.

h**e to 不得不,强调客观情况迫使不得不做某事。

i h**e to look after her at home.


we should clean our living room every day.

clean adj.干净的,清洁的,反义词是dirty.

we all want to h**e a clean room.

adv. 或者,也。

he doesn’t like math. i don’t like it, either.


either of the films is good.


there are a lot of trees on either side of the river.


新目标2010年七年级下册复习。unit 1 一 重点短语 1 笔友 2 来自3 speak english4 写信给 5 like and dislike 6 去看电影7 做运动8 f orite subject9 在周末10 enjoy doing sth11 住在12 a little fre...


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