
发布 2023-02-17 16:35:28 阅读 6651

一.choose the best answer

1. hi,my name is tony smith. smith is my___

a. first name b. last name c. given name d. full name

2. when you want to search on the internet, please___the computer first.

a. take off b. turn off c. turn on d. open

3. look at the photo of my family. i’m___my father.

a. on the left b. on the left of c. on the right d. on the righ t of

4. judy is a good student. she’s the first to come to school. she comes to school late.

a. often; always b. never; sometimes

c. always; never d. sometimes; usually

5. we ask the students to___at 9:30 inthe evening.

a. get up b. h**e breakfast c. h**e class d. go to sleep

6. it’s 8 o’clock. tony’s parents___tv in the living room.

a. is watching b. are watching c. watch d. watches

7. i would like a cup of coffee

a. what are you b. what about you c. how are you d. where are you

8. wang fei is a football fan. he often___football matches on television.

a. reads b. looks c. sees d. watches

9. i h**e got___beef for lunch, but i h**en’t got___tomatoes.

a. any; some b. some; any c. any; any d. some; some

10.__a book and some pens on the desk.

a. there is b. there are c. there has d. there h**e

11. the zebras h**e long necks. they can eat___easily.

a. le**e b. le**es c. leaf d. leafs

12. this is___bedroom. they like it very much.

a. lucy and lily’s b. lucy and lily c. lucy’s and lily d. lucy’s and lily’s

13. jenny’s math lesson is___nine___friday morning.

a. in; on b. at; on c. on; in d. at; in

14. daming;hi, would you like to come to my birthday party?

betty: yes

a. i amb. i’d love to c. i dod. i h**e

15. mum: tony, look, here’s the birthday present for you.

tony: really

a. that’s great b. that’s not c. that’s true d. that’s it

doctors and nurses are doing their best to fight sars. they think more of others than __

a. they b. them c. themselves d. theirs

17.--do you live by yourself, mr wang?

--yes. i h**e two sons. but __of them lives with me. they are now studying in america?

a. neither b. both c. none d. either

18. tony: what’s your mothernow?

lingling: she’sour house and sweeping away bad luck.

a. doing; cleaning b. do; clean c. does; cleans d. doing, clean

19.__clever boy he is!

a. how b. what a a

the woman __yellow your teacher?

on 二.fill in the blank

1.my motherh**e)lunch at school.

2.henot like)english.

3.mike and billnot speak)english to us.they speak chinese.

4.can sheplay)football?

5.let'sgo)to school now.

6.they h**en't got any brothers and they h**en't got any sisters.(改为同义句) they h**en't got any brothers

7.he does his homework in the evening.(改为否定句)

hehis homework in the evening.


9.she always has breakfast at home.(对划线部分提问)

does she alwaysbreakfast?

10.i'd like a glass of milk.(改为一般疑问句)

youa glass of milk?

11.让我们扫掉那些落叶吧。let’sthose le**es.

12.看看那些新书those new books.

13.你在网上制定旅行计划了吗?do youon the internet?

14.世界各地的人们热爱和平。peoplelove peace.

15.太多巧克力对你不好chocolategood for you.



假设你是大明(或者玲玲), 请你以my good friend 为题,介绍你的朋友tony

在运动、饮食、爱好以及其他方面的情况)。 词数80—100词。


来自伦敦,是你的最好朋友,喜欢唱歌和跳舞,最喜欢的运动是踢足球。 他喜欢健康食品,特别是蔬菜和水果,不喜欢可乐。他最喜欢中国历史(chinese history),经常和你一起打游戏。



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