
发布 2023-02-15 06:19:28 阅读 1781







1.( it’s early in the morning.

2.( mrs smith is at school.

3.( amy usually comes to school by bus.

4.( mike often comes to school by bike.

5.( mrs smith usually comes to work on foot.


4. where is theit’s near the park.

5do you go to meizhoui go by




don’t turn rightthis way, please

where is the teaching buildingis there a park near here?(

2. 以下单词的连读是否正确,正确的打“√”错误的打“×”3分)

stop at a red light post office nature park pictures of at home


work walk ( wear where( )light eight (


1. we must s___d___and s___at a yellow light.

2. in the usa, people o___b___must wear a helmet.

3. we should p___attention to the t___lights.

4. my father goes to guangzhou b___t___

5. s___i c___to school on f___

6. walking is good e___

7. let’s t___r___and then go s___


1is thefuxing hospitalit’s near the cinema.

2bus do you often take, the no.12 or the no.15?

3do you go to bed?——at 9:00.

4do the kids go to school in alaska?——by sled.

5is your father doinghe is reading a book.

6will play with meyour brother.

7pet is itit’s hers.


1. i want to send a postcard. i can go to the

2. don’t goa red light.

3. it’s red now. we mustand___

4. i usually go to theto see a film.

5. it looks like a bird. it’s fast. it’s a

6. how do you get to the usachina?


1.( turn leftthe gym, the library isthe left.

a. at, at b. at, on c. on, at

2.( mr. black issports now.

a. plays b. play c. playing

3.( robin’s new gps

a. work b. worker c. works

4.( turn right __here and you can see it.

a. at b. on c. ×

5.( if you go by ferry, you must

a. run fast b. wear a life jacket c. on the right

6.( in china, drivers drive

a. at the right b. on the left c. on the right

7.( the shop ischangping street.

a. in b. on c. at

8.( ita lot in alaska.

a. snow b. snowy c. snows

9.( but in 2009, theyto school by plane because the ferry

a. go, didn’t work b. went, didn’t work c. went, didn’t works

10.( mike: come to the park and play with us.

where is mike?

a. he is in the park. b. he is at home. c. not in the park.


1. pay, to, we, must, attention, traffic, the, light(.)

2. are, they, from, cousin, in, the, my, usa(.)

3. some, children, go, school, to ,ferry, by, every, day.(.


1. we often go to the park on foot. (写出同义句)

2. where is your school?(根据实际情况回答)


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