
发布 2020-08-14 02:44:28 阅读 6695



听力部分 (共30分)

一、听句排序 (每小题1分,共5分)



b. c.

二、听句判断 (每小题1分,共5分)


三、听句应答 (每小题1分,共5分)



) 1. a. jiaozib. rice dumplingsc. moon cakes.

) 2. a. she is a nurse. b. she washes dishes. c. she works hard.

) 3. a. you’re right. b. you’re welcome. c. you’re wonderful.

) 4. a. h**e great fun! b. good ideac. ok. let’s go.

) 5. a. the chinese. b. the britishc. the americans.

四、对话理解 (每小题1分,共5分)



) 1. what did helen do yesterday?

a. she went boating. b. she went climbing. c. she went fishing.

) 2. how did billy go to the library this morning?

a. by busb. by carc. on foot.

) 3. why does lucy like living in the city?

a. it’s big. b. it’s clean. c. there are shops and parks.

) 4. who went to the museum with may last weekend?

a. may’s parents. b. may’s brothers. c. may’s friends.

) 5. where is the girl?

a. on the farm. b. at the snack bar. c. in the supermarket.

五、对话理解 (每小题1分,共5分)



) 1. what is d**id going to do tomorrow?

a. h**e a party. b. h**e a picnic. c. h**e a class outing.

) 2. where are they going?

a. to the park. b. to the zoo. c. to the cinema.

) 3. how are they going there?

a. by busb. on foot. c. by bike.

) 4. what animals are they going to see?

a. monkeys, zebras and tigers.

b. elephants, lions and zebras.

c. monkeys, elephants and zebras.

) 5. when is d**id going home?

a. at 10:30b. at 4:30c. at 1:30.

六、短文填空 (每空1分,共5分)


三遍。water is very important for us. it is everywhere (1us.

we use water to wash clothes and many (2things. we use it to cook meals. we can’t (3without water.

not everyone (4this. but it is true. people need more water in (5weather or after exercise.

笔试部分 (共70分)

七、单项填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

从a、b、c、d 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案填在题前括号内。

) 1. —it’s time for __dinner, lily.

i’m coming, mum.

a. the b. ac. and. /

) 2. you can’t __here. here’s a sign ‘no __

a. smoke; smokingb. smoke; smoke

c. smoking; smokingd. smoking; smoke

) 3. your sweater looks smart. where __you __it?

a. do; get b. did; get c. will; get d. are; getting

) 4. in the uk, people call the metro __

a. underground b. subway c. ground d. mini train

) 5. —what do you usually do __chinese new year?

we usually watch lion dances __chinese new year’s eve.

a. on; at b. at; atc. at; ond. on; on

) 6. my mother does housework at home, but my father

a. didn’tb. wasn’t c. doesn’t d. isn’t

) 7are you going to visit?

the great wall and the summer palace.

a. where b. what places c. what d. who

) 8. sam isn’t good at maths. but we shouldn’t __him. we should help him.

a. laugh at b. shout at c. point at d. look at

) 9. —why do we reuse the water?

because there’s not __water in __places.

a. many; muchb. much; many

c. much; muchd. many; many

)10. twenty years ago, tim __to the radio for news, but now he __news on the internet.

a. listened; is watchingb. listened; watches

c. listened; watchingd. listens; watches

八、词汇检测 (每小题1分,共10分)

a) 根据首字母提示及句意,在横线上写出该单词的正确形式。每空一词。

1. the kite flew too high and we chold onto it.

2. be cthe floor is wet!

3. my father dme to school every morning.

4. the children are eabout the coming holiday.

5. the clothes and the toys mthe room messy.

b) 根据中文提示及句意,在横线上写出该单词的正确形式。每空一词。

6. can you拼写) the new words?


一 我会填 共30分每空1.5分 1 常用的简单机械种类有滑轮等。像螺丝刀这样,属于 机械。2 提高材料的弯曲能力,可以增加材料的厚度,还可以改变材料的。3.球形在各个方向上都是 形,这种形状比任何形状都要。4 身体中有脊柱的动物叫例如身体中有脊柱的动物叫例如。5 能量有很多表现形式,如 电能等。我...


考试时间 100分钟满分100分 命题人 吉安县海尔希望小学张桂花。卷首语 同学们,请你们拿起手中的笔,发挥你们的聪明才智,认真。做好下面每道题,相信你们一定能够驾驶着 智慧之舟 满载而归的。一 语言积累及运用。35分 1.看拼音写词语,并在前鼻音节下画横线。5分 2分 7分 z n o b o y...


考试时间 100分钟满分100分 命题人 吉安县海尔希望小学张桂花。卷首语 同学们,请你们拿起手中的笔,发挥你们的聪明才智,认真。做好下面每道题,相信你们一定能够驾驶着 智慧之舟 满载而归的。一 语言积累及运用。35分 1.看拼音写词语,并在前鼻音节下画横线。5分 2分 7分 z n o b o y...