
发布 2023-02-12 20:54:28 阅读 6685

2018辽师版小学英语六年级上测试(一) name


)1. bee pea ( 2. kiss nice3 pet henry.

( )4. far dark5. bug fork

2. 选择每组中不同类的一项,将编号填在题前括号里。

1. a. giraffeb. cat c. week

2. a. vase b. run c. jump

3. a. grow b. flower c. collect

4 . a. draw b. write


iii. ) he like musica. she’s from new zealand.

) is she fromb. yes , he does.

) her jobc. i can play the guitar.

) can you dod. he goes swimming.

) does he do after schoole. she is an editor.


1. 喜欢唱歌2.起床3.



做锻炼___10. 去划船___11.回家___12.

搜集邮票___13. 吃午饭___


5.选择。 ) 1.__he play the erhu?

b. does

) she go fishing? no, she __

a. don’t b. doesn’t

)3. she goes __after school.

a. hiking b. hike

)4. can i __tv?

)5. they like __

a. singing b. sing


my dadare, is ) a teacher. hetells, tell) me to get up early anddoes , do) exercise every day. hesay, says) i can’t watch tvtoo,to) much.

he buys a lot of __book , books). heask, asks) me to school, but he __drives, drive) a car.

2018 辽师版小学英语六年级上期末测试(二) name


1. a. farm b. horse c. chickens d. sheep

2. b. hospital d read

3. b. month d. may

4. b bus c take d. train

5. b .front c map d. right


选择。what’s your f**orite month

a. september b. birthday

2. her birthday ismarch.

a. on b. in

3. what are you __to do this afternoon?

a. going b. go

3. you can go therebus.

a. .by b. on

)4. the flower shop is nextthe bank.

a. at b. to

5. happy birthdayyou.

a. to b. on


1. 看电影___2. 儿童节___3.

乘飞机___4. 感恩节___5. 紧挨着___6.

向左转___7.乘地铁___8. 向右转___9.





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