2023年春小学六年级英语 联镇 文化素质检测题

发布 2023-02-12 20:29:28 阅读 1138


听力部分(六大题,计50分) 成绩:__



1. a. *****b. pairc. party

2. a. musicb. matterc. match

3. a. cleanb. climbc. cook

4. a. footb. foodc. fool

5. a. soreb. sourc. sell

6. a. biggerb. longerc. smaller

7. a. stomachache b. headachec. toothache

8. a. 55 cmb. 15 kgc. 50 kg

9. a. 1stb. 14thc. 13th

10. a. by subwayb. by planec. by train



1. a. yes, i didb. no, i don’ tc. yes, i am.

2. a. i am going to the park. b. i go to the park. c. you go to the park.

3. a. it’ s fridayb. it’ s may 13thc. it’ s a fine day.

4. a. he likes swimming.

b. he is tall and strong. c.

he’ d like some water5. a. i’ m 50 kgb.

i’ m 15 years old. c. i’ m 165 cm tall.


zhang peng was very busy laston saturday morning, he playedwith his friends. he did his homework on saturday afternoon. hehis grandparents on sunday morning.

they atetogether in the evening. then theytv.


1. wei fang is younger than me.

2. i bought a present for wei fang.

3. we went to the park yesterday.

4. we sang and danced in the park.

) 5. we had a good time on wei fang’s birthday.



1. yellowa. flyb. yes

2. moutha. southb. young

3. mattera. sadb. wash

4. toothache a. goodb. food

5. unclea. underb. june


1. does john usually watch tv __friday evening ?

a. onb. atc. in

2. mrs wu is a doctor. she works in a __

a. factoryb. farmc. hospital

3. the bank is __my uncle’ s home.

a. next tob. inc. to

4. tim has a___because he never washes his hands before eating.

a. earacheb. headache c. stomachache

5. my mother often __clothes on the weekends.

a. washedb. washesc. wash

6. -what __you do the day before yesterday?

--i helped __with her english.

a. did; sheb. do; herc. did; her

7. it’ s very cold today. you should __your coat, jack.

a. put onb. take offc. wear

( )8your grandma and grandpa come from china?

yes, they __

a. do; doesb. does; doesc. do; do

( )9you at the party yesterday ? yes, i __

a. was; wasb. are; amc. were; was

( )is the weather like __fall __changchun?

a. in; inb. in; onc. on; in


1. my pe teacher isthin) than my chinese teacher.

2. wedrink) much water yesterday.

3. therebe) a house and ten trees in the picture.

4. it’ s asun) day. let’ s go hiking.


龙沙镇2023年春小学六年级期末语文教学质量检测 1

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