
发布 2023-02-01 21:12:28 阅读 3237

四年级下册unit 1---2复习题。


1.汉堡包hamburg_r 2.女孩g_rl 3.水wat r 4.正餐 d_nner

5.小鸟b rd 6. ** n_rse 7.姐妹 s_ster 8.计算机 comp_ter


is my brother’s___晚餐).

___妹妹)is very beautiful.

喝水)near the___电脑).

___老虎)likes to eat meat.

is a __女孩。

mother is a __**).


___鸟)is beautiful.

9. what___is it ? 几点了?).现在七点了。it’s seven


)1. class

)3. room room

)6. go home

)8. to school to bed


)1.让我们去操场吧!let’s go to the

)2.**教室在二楼。the music room is on the

floor floor

)3.到吃早餐的时间了。it’s time for __

)4教师办公室在哪?where is the __

)5.你们有图书馆吗?do you h**e a __

)6.那是微机室吗?is that the___

room room room

)7.该回家了。 time to

home to school

)8.到上英语课的时间了。it’s time for___

class class class


) this the teacher’s officea. forty-five students.

) is the libraryb. it’s 9 o’clock.

) time is itc. it’s on the first floor.

) many students are there in your class ? we do.

) you h**e a librarye. no,it isn’t.


time is to our school.

is the you h**e a library?

that the computer room?

teachers’ office is next to the library.


1.( 欢迎来到我们学校时说:

to our school. b. this is my classroom.

2.( 作为小向导,你怎样向来学校参观的人带路?

a. this way, pleaseb. you’re funny!

3.( 作为天气预报员,播报天气预报说早上好:

morningb. good afternoon.

4. (当你想询问图书馆在**时,你应该这样问:

time for pe the library?

5. (你想知道现在几点了,应该这样问:

time is ten o’clock.

6.( 告诉别人该起床了说:

time for time to get up.


welcome to our school!

look! this is our classroom. there are forty students in our school.

that is the teachers’ office, it’s very big. we h**e a music room and an art room, they are on the second floor. and we h**e a big playground, i like pe class.

i like my school, do you like it?

1. welcome to our !

a. classb. homec. school

2. there are students in our class.

fortyc. fifty

3. the teachers’ office is very .

a. bigb. smallc. cheap

4. the is on the second floor.

a. classroomb. teachers’ office c. music room

5. i like class.

a. peb. musicc. art



)art class和music room都属于房间类的短语。

)hurry up!这句话可以用来催促同学快一点。

)what time is it?这句话不是用来询问时间的?

)因某事要打扰别人时可以说excuse me.


1. (下列单词中哪一个是first的同类词?

a. schoolb. secondc. three

2.( 邀请别人一起去操场说;

go to the playgroundb. let’s go home.

3. (下面单词哪一个是表示课堂类的?

a. teachers’ offfice b. homework c. pe class

4. (下面哪一个句子是is this your cat?的否定回答?

a. yes, it isb. no, it isn’t.

pep小学英语四年级下册U1 A

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