
发布 2023-01-26 14:42:28 阅读 7652



二、 选出不同类的单词,并将序号写在前面括号中 (10分)

1a. music b. science c. sports d. long hair

2a. desk b. chair c. bed d. pen

3a. teacher b. classroom c. classmate d. friend

4a. chinese b. fat c. tall d. thin

5a. twenty b. painting c. thirty d. fifty




a. thirtyb. schoolc. chinese bookd. english book e. forty

f. twenty-one . guessi. math bookj. story-book

四、根据所给的**,在横线上写出正确的单词 (10分。)

is aon the desk.

3.mike is a

4. this is my english

h**e a math


)1. -what’s her name

a. my name is amy.

b. his name is john.

c. her name is amy.

)2. -what do you like

a. i like sports.

b. i h**e music.

c. she likes painting.

)3is he? -he is ling ming .

a. what b. who c. where

)4. -i h**e a new friend

a. he’s tall.

b. boy or girl ?

c. he likes music.

)5. -let’s clean the classroom

a. certainly. here you are.

b. thank you so much.

)6. let’s sweep the floor

a. good ideab. good job!

)7. what’s his name

a. his name is jo hn. name is amy.

)8. i h**e a good friend. _is a boy.

a .sheb. he

) 9. how many books can you see

a. i h**e 12b. i can see 20.

) 10. -may i h**e a look

a.nob. sure.


)1. 你有多少本书?

a. how many books do you h**e?

b. how many book do you h**e?

c. how many books do your h**e?

)2. 我有一块橡皮察。

a. i h**e a eraser. b. i h**e an eraser. c. i h**e eraser.

)3. 它是什么颜色?

a. what is colour? b. what colour is it?

c. what’s it colour?

)4. 你书包里都有什么?

a. what in your schoolbag? b. what’s in you schoolbag?

c. what’s in your schoolbag?

)5. 我可以看一下吗?

a. may i h**e a look?b. may i look? c. may i h**e look?


1. (how many books do you h**e?a. yes, it is.

2. (what colour is it?b. sure, here you are.

3. (may i h**e a look? c. it’s red.

4. (what’s in your schoolbag?d. twenty-one.

5. (is it purple? h**e many books in my schoolbag.


how h**eyou (?

2. colour it is what (?

3. schoolbag he**y myis (.

4. yourin putyourpencildesk (.


a. big b .long c. strong d. short e. black

1. i h**e a short ruler. he has a one.

2. wei hua is tall. i am .

3. amy has hair and mike has white hair .

4. i like apples. jim likes small apples.

5. my father isi am thin.


amy: i h**e a friend.

wei hua

amy: a girl.

wei hua

amy: guess. she’s quiet. she likes music

wei hua: her name is sarah.

amy: yes.

wei hua: i h**e a friend too. he’s strong.

he likes sports

amy: his name is john.

wei hua

十。一、阅读,判断正误(正确“t ”,错误“f”)(10分)

i am amy. i am a student. i h**e a good friend .

her name is sarah. she’s tall . she’s quiet.

she has long hair and big eyes . she likes english and math. we help each other.

) friend is sarah.

) is strong.

) has short hair .

) likes chinese .

) and sarah are good friends.


一 填空。1个十万是一百万。2 把下列个数按从小到大的顺序排列。440050 44万 46500 440500 439500 672 130万,里最大应填 890 241万,里最小应填 二 判断对错。70万。2 万位的左边一位是千位,右边一位是十万位。3 四千八百万零五,写作 48000005。4 ...


四年级语文期中测试题。姓名分数。一 看拼音,写词语 20分 x n h n s u suy o f 迹照盖。gu l ch i ch sh w ju di 候重 f ng xqi ngyb 围怀 隐 二 按要求,写成语 11分 若 若现随 而安绿树成不可惜。柳 花明鲜果 香变化多 横 江面。促不安人...


2012 2013学年度上学期。小学四年级语文期中测试题。1 读拼音,写词语。5分 f g i l ng zh o p q f ng x y n b 2 写同音字组词。3分 zm il 选花严 职油胜 3 用 画出每组中不是同一类的词语。2分 1.蓝天早晨白云碧海红日。2.愉快焦急兴奋歌唱愤怒。3....