
发布 2023-01-23 18:26:28 阅读 8475


一、单词。1、数字(整十数) ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred

2、状态 happy sad surprised tired sick scared

3、动植物 flower tree frog bird

4、交通工具 bus van car bike spaceship

5、饮食breakfast lunch dinner a snack rice noodles soup fruit

6、物品和地点hat(s) postcard(s) t—shirt(s) sticker(s) umbrella(s) store restaurant movie theater restroom

7、做事drawing playing sports studying english playing the guitar

8、课目 art class gym class english class music class

9、反义词 slow—fast hot—cold cheap—expensive loud—quiet


1、are youyes, i am. /no, i’m not.

2、how do you go home ? by car/bus/bike. /on foot.

3、are you ready for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?

yes, i am. /no, i’m not.

4、i/we want some

do you want someyes, i do. /no, i don’t .

5、where’s theit’s over there.

6、she /he has a

does he h**e fiveyes, he does. /no, he doesn’t .

7、what’s your f**orite class? it’sclass.

what’s he doing ? he’s

what are they doing ? they’re


they’re=they are where’s = where is

you’re= you are doesn’t= does not i’ll= i will


look aroundw**e to your friend.

shake handstake a picture.

look leftlook right.

come herecross the street.

set the tablepour the water.

eat your dinnerwash the dishes.

go to the store. pick up the t—shirt.

look at the t—shirt. buy the t—shirt.

hand out the *****. check your work.

clap your handsline up.


一、单词。1时间 morning afternoon evening night

1 o’clock 2 o’clock 3 o’clock 4 o’clock 5 o’clock 6 o’clock

7 o’clock 8 o’clock 9 o’clock 10 o’clock 11 o’clock 12 o’clock

2、地点 zoo playground beach park

3、衣服 raincoat sweater shorts pants

4、课目 piano lessons kung fu lessons math lessons chinese lessons

5、身体部位 stomach arm leg head

6、职业 singer reporter police officer doctor

7、国家 canada australia the usa the uk

8、态度(状态) kind polite funny hard—working

9、做事writing a postcard reading a book talking to friends shopping

10、 反义词(相对)exciting—boring busy —relaxing beautiful——modern


1、what time is it? it’s 7 o’clock.

2、what time do you wake up ? i wake up at 8 o’clock.

3、do you want to go to the beach ?

no, maybe not. it’s cloudy ?/yes! great idea!

4、what are you wearing? i’m wearing a red dress.

what’s she/he wearing? she/he wearing brown shoes .

5、what’s wrong? my leg hurts.

6、when do you go to math lessons?

— i go to math lessons on tuesday.

when do they go to swimming lessons?

—they go to swimming lessons on wednesday.

7、who’s she? she’s a singer.

where are you going? we’re going to the usa.

8、where are you from? i’m from the uk.

9、what are you doing? i’m writing a postcard.

三、常用缩写形式we’re = we are 我们是 it’s=it is 它是 that’s=that is 那是 i’m=i am我是 she’s=she is她是 he’s=he is 他是 let’s=let us让我们isn’t=is not 不是 don’t=do not 没有 can’t=can not不能what’s=what is 是什么 who’s=who is是谁 here’s=here is 这儿是you’re =you are你是 where’s= where is 是在**。


wake up. 醒来take a bath. 洗澡

go to school. 去上学go to bed. 去睡觉。

brush your teeth. 刷牙comb your hair. 梳头

get dressed. 穿衣服look for your jacket.找你的夹克

turn your handlift your arms. 举起胳膊。

bend your knees.屈膝 shake your body. 摇摇身子

check the time. 检查时间 look at the map. 看地图

ask for help. 寻求帮助cheer!干杯。

pack your bag. 收拾你的包call your friend给朋友打**

visit your friend. 拜访你的朋友say goodbye 再见。


题西林壁 宋 苏轼 横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。注释 题 书写,题写。西林 西林寺,在江西庐山。横看 从正面看。缘 因为 作者介绍 苏轼,北宋文学家 书画家 美食家 东坡肉 字子瞻,号东坡居士。其文与欧阳修并称欧苏,为 唐宋八大家 之一 诗清新豪健,与黄庭坚并称苏...


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