
发布 2023-01-19 22:14:28 阅读 9836


一、用括号单词的适当形式填空 10

is jennyspeak).


hesee)the pictures?

an email to tom.



1. 课程;科目。

2. 家人。

3. 乐器。

4. 季节。


) works __a hospital. a. on b. in c. at

)2. she is __now.

a. skipping b. skips c. skiping

)3.--may i h**e a look

a. yes, i am. b. no, you don’t. c. sure

) is saturday. tomorrow is __

a. friday b. sunday c. tuesday

) email.

a. write b. writing c. writes

)6.--what’s your f**ourite subject?

-it’sa. dancing b. reading c. science

)7.—what do you like? –i like __

a. singing b. sing c. play the erhu

) 8. danny __playing the drums.

a. like b. liking c. likes

)9. i canin winter.

skating b. fly a kite c. wear t-shirt

( )10、__is the weather ? it’s hot.

b. how c. where

四、选词填空 10


you like

can dancefriday.

on your

father isand strong.


)1、jenny 问danny 周六经常干什么,jenny 会问。

do you often do on saturday, danny?

often dance.


a. what season do you like?

b. what subject do you like?


a. how’s the weather in hong kong?

b. it will be sunny in hong kong.


a. what does your brother do, wang hong?

b. where does your brother do, wang hong?


a. my f**ourite season is summer.

b. my f**ourite subject is computer studies.

)6 jenny 想知道你的头发长还是短,你回答说:__

a. you h**e short hair.

b. i h**e short hair.

)7.你想告诉guo yang,你哥哥有一双大眼睛,你说:__

a. my brother has big eyes.

b. my brother has small eye.


a. she is tall and strong.

b. she is a teacher.


a. what does she do ?

b. she’s a nurse. she works in a hospital.


a. it will rain tomorrow.

b. how’s the weather tomorrow?

六、阅读考察 20


my name is wang ning. i’m a boy. i like english and maths.

i like running and doing the high jump. my father is a businessman. he is very busy(繁忙).

my mother is an english teacher. she teaches well. my mother and i like summer.

we often swim in summer.

) 1. wang ning likes english and chinese.

) 2. wang ning ‘s father is a policeman.

) 3. wang ning ‘s mother is an english teacher.

) 4. wang ning likes autumn.

) 5. wang ning ‘s mother often skates.


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