
发布 2023-01-19 02:19:28 阅读 1120



d t m e y


)1. th teen 十三 a. ir b. er

)2. sup market 超市 a. er b. be

)3. p ture 图画 a. ic b. ec

)4. r d 道路 a. oa b. ea

)5. s tion 车站 a. ta b. da

)6. sevent n 十七 a. ee b. ea

)7. wh e 白色的 a. it b. et

)8. p ple 紫色的 a. ur b. er

)9. tr n 火车 a. ai b. ee

)10. h se 房屋 a. ou b. au



1. we’re going to go to shanghai by

2. sam isengland.

3. there are 5 birthdays in

4. i’ma dragon.

5. we’re going tothe ming tombs.


)1. i’m going toin the sea.

a. swimming b. swim c. swims

)2. theretwelve months in a year.

a. isb. am c. are

)3. what are you going to dosports day?

a. atb. for c. with

)4. —how many months in a year? —there are

a. twelve b. thirteen c. eleven

)5. my father can playflute.

a. ab. the c. an

)6. the girl __dancing

a. is b. are c. am

)7. she __a book

a. read b. is reading c. reads

)8. they __singing.

a. are b. is c. am

)9. they are

a. play football b. playing basketball c. playing football

)10 .we __learning english

a. am b. are c. is

)11. 当别人对你说“happy birthday !”时,你应说:__

a. thank you . b. that’s ok . c. the same to you .

) 12. 当你问对方正在做什么时,你应说。

a. how do you do ? b.

what are you ? c. what are you doing13.


a. see you . b. good afternoon, sam . c. good morning, sam .


is the supermarket ? b. where is the school ? is the zoo?


a. thank you. b. excuse me. c. how are you ?


)1. a. it’s my toy car.

b. it’s my toy ship.

)2. a. i h**e breakfast at half past seven.

b. i go to school at half past seven.

)3. a. my mother goes to work by bike.

b. my mother goes to work by car.

)4. a. i play football at the weekend.

b. i watch tv at the weekend.

)5. a. my father is reading a book

b. my father is riding a bike


)1. can i h**e some i can.

)2. where is your schoolb. i’m going to the park.

)3. how many birthdays are therec. go straight on, turn left.

)4. can you do taijiquand. there are thirty-five.

)5. where are you going, daminge. sorry, you can’t.


1. fast, you, can, run, (

2. going to, we’re, hainan, go to, (

3. to, what, you, are, do, going, (

4. h**e, i, can, sweets, some (?

5. in, is, one, there, birthday, may, (

九、阅读理解,正确的在括号内写(t), 错误的写(f)。(5分)

there are three people in my family : my father ,my mother and i . my father is a doctor .

my father’s birthday is in april . my mother is a teacher . my mother’s birthday is in september .

i am a student . my birthday is in september too . i love my family .

we are a happy family .

)1. there are three people in my family .

( )2. my father’s birthday is in january .

( )3. my birthday is in september .

( )4. we are not a happy family .

( )5. my father is a teacher .


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