
发布 2023-01-31 17:30:28 阅读 7060



a c m l d f v q y


1. be de 在……旁边 a. s ib. e r c. s r

2. sup market 超市 a. a rb. e rc. be

3. p ture 图画 a. i cb. e cc. re

dren孩子们 a. o ab. i lc. r l

il 家庭a. t, ab. d, a c. m, y

g h 灯a. e tb. a tc. i t

7. m nth 月a. ib. oc. e

8. s r ng健壮的 a. u rb. t oc. v r

9. sh p 绵羊 a. a ib. e ec. a a

10. so p 汤a. ub. ac. v



1. the bus isthe hill1)

2. can you go to buy some

3. there is ain this bag23)

4. do you want some

5. can you jump45)


)1. i’m going toin the sea.

a. swimming b. swim c. swims

)2. theretwelve boys on a bike.

a. isb. am c. are

)3. are you going to runsports day?

a. atb. on c. with

)4. we h**ebig family dinner.

a. theb. an c. a

)5merry christmas

a. no, it isn’t. b. yes, it isn’t. c. merry christmas!

)6. can i h**e some

a. sweet b. sweets c. swet

)7. she __a book

a. read b. is reading c. reads

)8. can you __fast?

a. run b. running c. runs

)9is it? -five yuan.

a. how much b. how many c. how old

)10 .we __rowing a dragon boat

a. am b. are c. is

)11. 当别人对你说“happy birthday !”时,你应说:__

a. thank you . b. that’s ok . c. the same to you .

) 12. 当你问对方正在做什么时,你应说。

a. how do you do ? b. what are you doing? c. what are you?

) 13. 当你在下午遇到你的朋友sam时,你可以对她说。

a. see you . b. good afternoon, sam. c. good morning, sam .


a. where’s the supermarket? b. where’s the school? c. where’s the zoo?


a. thank you. b. excuse me. c. how are you ?


)1a. it’s my toy car.

b. it’s my toy ship.

)2a. i h**e breakfast at half past seven.

b. i go to school at half past seven.

)3a. my mother goes to work by bike.

b. my mother goes to work by car.

)4a. i play football at the weekend.

b. i watch tv at the weekend.

)5a. my father is reading a book

b. my father is riding a bike


1. fast, you, can, run, (

2. going to, we’re, hainan, go to, (

3. to, what, you, are, do, going, (

4. h**e, i, can, sweets, some (?

5. in, is, one, there, birthday, may, (

八、阅读理解,正确的在括号内写(t), 错误的写(f)。(10分)

at spring festival, we h**e a big family dinner. we h**e peanuts and sweets. we say ‘happy new year!

” my name is lingling. i like sweets. my name is daming.

i like peanuts. at christmas, we sing songs, we h**e a christmas tree. we give presents.

we eat lots of food. children like it.

)1. we sing songs, h**e a christmas tree, eat lots of food.

( )2. at spring festival, we h**e a big family dinner.

( )3. lingling doesn’t like sweets.

) 4. at spring festival, we don’t say ‘happy new year!”

( )5. daming likes peanuts.


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