
发布 2023-01-18 23:53:28 阅读 6059





四、将序号填在括号内。(10分)()1. i h**e a new friend.()2. play computer game.()his name?



) 4. my friend is strong.()5. he likes science.

五、选择题,将正确答案的序号填在括号内。(30分)()new classroom.

a. h**e

b. has

c. there is

二、按要求写单词。(10分) (完整形式。

(反义词)__3. let’s

)2. letclean the window.

a. web. i

c. me完整形式反义词)__格)__物主代词)__主格)__同义词 (反义词)__完整形式)__


b. scienceb. chair

c. sports

c. bed

d. hair

d. pend. friend

) h**e a lookthe picture.

a./b. at

c. inb. likesb. am

c. is)4. like

) seat?a. is() black h**e() morning

c. arec. has

b. like

b. c. classmate

a. miss whiteb. miss whitec. miss white()8.__nice!a. howmany

b. what

c. how

c. tall

d. thind. fifty

b. paintingc. thirty

第1页。)9. can youthese words?

a. spellb. spelling

c. to spell

)10. my schoolbag is___tob. two

c. too

)1150 yuan.

a. how many b. what manyc. how much() your bag.

a. amb. is

c. are

) black hair.

a. has

b. h**e

c. is) friend __sports.

a. like

b. likes

c. to like

) amb. are

c. is六、从b栏中找出a栏相对应的答语,将其字母填在题前括号内。(10分)

ab)1. how much is it?

a. thank you.()2. where is my pen?b.5yuan.()3. who is he?

is my brother.()4. what’s twenty plus ten?d. thirty.

)5. sure. here you are.

in your desk.

七、连词成句,注意标点符号。(10分)1. look,let’s,h**e,go,a,and

2. many,i,books,my,h**e,in,schoolbag3. do,h**e,how,notebooks,many,you4.


5. what’s,name,his


my name is linda. i am from canada. i’m eleven years old.

i h**e abest friend. her name is amy. she has long black hair.

she has around

face. they are two big blue eyes, a small mouth, and a big nose on is very quiet. she is thin.

she likes music. i like her best. do youmake friends with amy?

1. my name is amy.()2.

linda comes from canada.()3. amy is linda’s best friend.

()4. linda has long black hair.()5.

amy is very strong.()


2019年秋期中教学质量检测卷。年级 四年级学科 英语命题人 题号得分。一。二。三。四。总分。四 将序号填在括号内。10分 1.i h e a new friend.2.play computer game.his name?a.他爱好科学。b.我的朋友很壮实。c.玩电脑游戏。d.我有一个新朋友e....


2019 2019学年度第一学期。四年级英语期中质量检测 满分100分 学校班级姓名得分。一 根据 写单词。12分 二 选出每组中发音不同的一项。10分 1 a dadb catc cake 2 a niceb pigc fine 3 a homeb notec lost 4 a likeb ric...

六年级上册英语试题 期中检测卷人教PEP版 含答案

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