
发布 2023-01-18 21:42:28 阅读 1642


to the canteen. eat some noodles.

watch tv in the tv room.

like to play football.

s 6:00. it's time to get up.

to our school.

一。 将下列单词按要求归类。(12 分)

farmer, supermarket, plane, black, skirt, hospital,

grape, white, dress, bus, mango, engineer,

a.颜色b. 水果。

c.职业d. 场所。

e.服装f. 交通工具。


) 1.__that a music room?

) 2is the art room? -it's on the second floor.

) over.

) h**e a __

skirts dress skirts

) 5.--is this __dress?

-- yes,it is.

) 6.__the weather like today?

s 's 's

) much __this pencil-case?

) s time __go home.

c./ ) 9.__it rainy?

) 10.--what are __

---they are cucumbers.


1, this (是) my computer.

a, are b, it c, is

2那) is your computer.

a, this b, that c,that

3, is this a teacher’s desk?肯定回答应说:

a, no, it isn’t b, yes, it’s c, yes, it is

4, “那是图画吗?”用英语要说:

a,that is a picture. b, is this a picture? c, is that a picture?

5, it’s time for (语文) class.

a,中国 b, chinese c, chinese

6, it’s (三)o’clock.

a,ten b, two c, three

7, 用英语询问“现在几点了”:

a, what is it? b, how much time is it? c, what time is it?

8、don’t in the computer room.

a, write an e-mail(写电子邮件) b, play computer c, drink or eat

9、where is the computer room?it’s on (二楼)

a, the third floor b, the first floor c, the second floor.


my r___红色的) shoes are in the l___图书室). my yellow j___夹克衫) is in the c___餐厅). my b___蓝色的) bag is in the c___电脑) room.

my g___绿色的) s___毛衣) is in the g___体育室). my brown t-shirt is in the p___操场).


永兴小学2019年秋季学期第期末复习题 一 四年级数学 一 择优录取 选一选。把正确的答案填在括号内,共 5分,每小题1 分 1 十万十万地数,数一百次是 a 一百万 b 一千万 c 一亿 d 十亿。2 火车每节车厢最多能装60吨货物,要将500吨的货物运往成都,需要 节车厢才能装完。a 7b 8c...


永兴小学2019年秋季学期第期末复习题 二 四年级数学 一 择优录取 选一选。把正确的答案填在括号内,共 5分,每小题1 分 1 估一估,算算看,下面算式中的商最接近8的是。a 321 40 b 732 91 c 499 60 2 下列各数中一个 0 也不读的是。a 30006000 b 30060...


1 电脑小精灵买来显示器 主板等硬件组装好之后,通电打开电源,却发现计算机屏幕是黑色的,上面只有几行英文字母。原因是 a 没有安装硬件b 没有安装软件c 硬件没连接好2 下列哪个不是硬件 a cpub 显示器c 主板d 操作系统3 下列哪个不是系统软件 a windows7b 苹果isoc linu...