四年级下册英语试题 期中整理复习专题译林版 三起 无答案

发布 2023-01-18 20:06:28 阅读 2002







) 1. h**e name2. tree these

) 3. ten he4. very twelve

) 5. fish kite



1. i h**e some robots. (改成否定句)

i __h**e __robots.

2. it is wednesday today.(划线提问)

is it today?

3. i get up at 6:50 in the morning.(对划线部分提问)

you get up in the morning?

4. that is a beautiful box. (改成复数句)

___are beautiful

5. i can draw a hill.(改成一般疑问句并作否定回答)

you draw a hill? no, i

6. 我有一个木偶,我的朋友有一个玩具娃娃。(根据中文完成句子)

i __a puppet. my friend __a doll.

7. we h**e art and music in the afternoon. (划线提问)

do you h**e in the afternoon?

8. my school bag is behind the door. (划线提问)

is __school bag?


1. lessons, you, what, on, do, monday, h**e (?

2. football, i, the, after, in, play, school, playground(.

3. lunch, do, when, every, h**e, you, day(?)

4. your, in, pencil, what’s, case(?)

5. is, this, trees, are, hill, a, these, and(.

6. school, we, play, here, after, basketball (.

7. behind, are , those, what, the, door (?

8. usually, go, i, bed, you, to, twenty, at, nine (

9. what, under, can, see, the, tree , you,(

10. any, h**e, saturday , on, we, don’t, lessons(.

11. can, see, you, what, over , there (?

12. h**e, a, today, match, football, i (.

13. lessons, h**e, monday, what, you, on, do (?

14. on, saturday, don’t, we, lessons, any, h**e (

15. at, on, i, up, saturday, get, forty, seven. (



___do you do yourin the afternoon.

2. 你能看见山上有什么?一些漂亮的花。我喜欢它们。

___can you __on thesome beautifuli like __

3. 海伦今天有一节美术课。她画画很好。

helenart lesson today. _can __well.


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