四年级下册英语试题 期中试卷湘少版

发布 2023-02-02 17:08:28 阅读 6068





1、where’s my new cap? it’s on your head!

2、can you write in english, lingling?


)1、where’re my blue socks, mum?

on the bed

a、it’s b、they’re c、he’s

)2、where’s my new cap, mum?

it’s your head!

a、on b、in c、beside

)3、what can you see?

a、i can see a watch and a cap. b、i am playing basketball. c、i can draw.

)4、can you write in english, xiaoming?

a、yes, i do. b、yes, i am. c、yes, i can.

)5、peter’s mumin the kitchen

a、are cooking b、is cooking c、cooking

)6、what are they doing?

a、they’re skipping. b、they’re skiping c、they skipping.

)7、hi, i’m liangliang. iningxiang.

a、come from b、is from c、from

)8、what you doing?

a、is b、am c、are

)9is hot. i can swim in the river with my father.

a、spring b、summer c、winter

)10、i can

a、drawb、writing c、playing basketball



see playing come eating sing

1、ifrom the usa.

2、i cana lake and a boat.

3、lingling istable tennis.

4、can youan english song?

5、i aman apple.


)1、today is tuesday.

)2、autumn is cool.

)3、the girl can dance.

)4、the dog is playing.

)5、anne is from australia.


a栏b栏。 ) 1、where’s my watcha、i’m from france.

) 2、where are you fromb、it’s under the chair.

) 3、what can you seec、i’m sorry. i’m busy now.

) 4、can you write a letter for me? d、i can see a cake.

) 5、what are you doinge、i’m running.

7、阅读理解。读下列短文 ,从a,b,c三个选项中选出正确答案,将序号填入题前括号内。(10分)

today is international children’s day. it’s sunny and warm. the children are playing on the playground.

tim and peter are playing basketball. anne is painting under the tree. dongdong is running.

lingling is skipping. mingming is singing. the dog is eating.

and the cat is sleeping. they are very happy.

1. today is

a. international children’s day

b. tree planting day

c. the spring festival

2. the weather is

a. rainy and cold b. sunny and warm c. cool and nice

3are playing basketball.

a. tim and peter b. linglingc. the cat

4. are they happy?.

they do. b. no, they aren’t. c. yes, they are

5. where are the children?

a. they are in the park. b. they are on the playground.

c. they are in the kitchen.


1、the cap is beside the glasses2、i can see a river and some mountains.


2019 2019学年度第一学期。四年级英语期中质量检测 满分100分 学校班级姓名得分。一 根据 写单词。12分 二 选出每组中发音不同的一项。10分 1 a dadb catc cake 2 a niceb pigc fine 3 a homeb notec lost 4 a likeb ric...


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