
发布 2023-01-18 13:17:28 阅读 1446

unit1 do you like music? 你喜欢**吗?.

四会:music, country, sometimes, pet, cute, keep


turtle, after work, basketball, football, listen to,乌龟下班后篮球足球听…

pop sangs, model plane, after shool, in the evening,流行歌曲飞机模型放学后在晚上。

in the afternoon, watch tv, on weekends, go fishing


三会: jazz, quiet, noisy, parrot, duckling,爵士**安静的吵闹鹦鹉小鸭子。

goldfish, hamster, folk music, classical music,金鱼仓鼠民间**古典**。

country music, pop song, keep a pet, make model planes,乡村**流行歌曲养宠物做飞机模型。

四会:1)—do you like music?你喜欢**吗?

—yes! listen to all kinds of music.(yes, i do.

/no, i don't’s.) 是的,我听各种各样的**。(是的,我喜欢。


2)—do you keep a cat?你养猫吗?

no, i don’t keep a cat. i like dogs.(yes, i do./no, i don't.)


3)-what do you like to do after school?(in the evening,…)放学后你喜欢做什么?(在晚上,…)

-i like to make model planes.


unit2 what’s wrong with you?你怎么了?

四会:wrong, feel, take, fever, doctor, high, mouth,毛病感觉带走发烧医生高嘴。

flu, blood, test, matter, right, leg, hurt,


arm, finger, neck, look well, h**e a fever,手臂手指脖子看起来好发烧。

三会: temperature, stomachache, toothache, afraid,温度胃疼/肚子疼牙疼恐怕。

take a blood test, take some pills, get well, runny nose,验血吃点药**流鼻涕

sore throat, take an x–ray, take it easy,嗓子疼照x光片别紧张。

四会:1) —what’s wrong with you?你怎么了?

i h**e a headache/stomachache. 我头疼/胃疼。…

(2)—what’s the matter with you?你哪不舒服?

—my/her/his right leg hurts. 我的/她的/他的右腿疼。

三会:does he/she h**e the flu/runny nose...


i’m afraid so. 我想是的。

unit3 can you tell me the way?你能为我指路吗?

四会:new, library, way, building, floor, stairs, teacher,新的图书馆路建筑物层/地板楼梯老师。

office, computer, lab, nearby, gray, find, beside,


behind, cinema, miss, museum, hospital, over there,在…后面电影院错过博物馆医院在那边。

on the left, computer lab, look for, drive on


三会:supermarket, first, second, third, fifth, drugstore,超市第一第二第三第五药店。

corner, restaurant, gas station, turn left, fire station,角落饭店加油站左转消防站。

post office, book store, car park, right beside,邮局书店停车场右侧

right behind, police stations,右后边警察局。

四会:1)-where is the new library/teacher office…?


-it’s in that building over there/on the first floor…


2)-where can i find building no.5/the police station...


it’s right beside the grey building./beside the cinema...


三会:can you tell me the way to the gas station/supermarket?


please drive on the first, and then turn left at the first corner.


unit5 is may day a holiday? 五一是假日吗?

四会: may, holiday, monday, september,五月假日周一九月。

amusement park, fifth, month, science museum,游乐园第五月份科学博物馆。

working people, all over hold a party


三会: celebrate, special, labour day, the great wall,庆祝特殊的劳动节长城。

world earth day, tree-planting day, women’s day,世界地球日植树节妇女节。

children’s day, national day, new year’s day,儿童节国庆节新年/元旦。

puppet show, dragon boat festival, chinese calendar,木偶剧端午节农历/阴历。

dragon boat race, latern show


四会:1)--what are you going to do on may day/children’s day...


--we are going to visit the great wall in shanhaiguan/go to the museum...我们打算去山海关看长城。/去博物馆。

2)--what do you do on children’s day/women’s day...


---we go to cinemas/go to a science museum...on this day.



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