unit 1
hello! what’s your name?
my name’s mocky/ken/ann/uncle bookey.
i’m mocky.
good morning, children/ uncle bookey/ann/ken.
是动词am is 的缩写形式:
what’s=what is
i’m=i am
my name’s=my name is
unit 2
this is danny deer. hello, danny deer.
this isn’t mocky. this is uncle booky.
unit 3
who’s this? this is cathy. she’s from canada.
who’s that? that’s tommy. he’s from britain.
who’s=who is that’s=that is
unit 4
who’s that? that’s my father/mother/brother/grandfather.
who’s that? that is my sister/uncle/aunt/grandmother.
unit 5
he’s my father. that’s his boat.
she’s my mother. that is her car.
he’s =he is she’s =she is
unit 7
what’s this? it’s a nut.
what’s this? it’s a lemon.
is it a nut? yes, it is.
is it a pear? no, it isn’t.
unit 8
what are these? they are beans.
what are those? they are onions.
are these beans? yes, they are.
are these onions? no , they aren’t.
how many birds are there? there are seven birds.
how many flowers are there? there are eight flowers.
unit 10
what color is this/that bird? it’s blue.
what color are these/those frogs? they are green.
what color is it? it’s blue.
what color are they? they are yellow.
unit 11
can you run? yes, i can.
can she dance? yes, she can.
i can run.
you can draw.
she can read.
he can dance.
北师大版二年级下数学复习资料。第一单元除法。当没有余数的时候 被除数 除数 商除数 被除数 商被除数 除数 商。当有余数的时候,余数必须比除数小。第二单元方向与位置。有八个方向 东 西 南 北 东北 在东和北之间 东南 在东和南之间 西南 在西和南之间 西北 在西和北之间 第三单元生活中的大数。知识...
拨一拨 说课稿。一 说教材。1.教材内容 拨一拨 一课是北师大版义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学数学二年级下册 生活中的大数 这一单元的内容,课本第24页至26页。2.教材分析这节课的内容是万以内数的读法和写法。万以内数的读和写法是在学生已掌握一百以内数的读法和写法的基础上进行学习的。学生是有一定的知...
北师大2011版二年级下册。铅笔有多长 教学设计。教学目标。1 经历实际测量的过程,认识1分米和1毫米有多长,掌握米 分米 厘米和毫米之间的关系,能进行简单的单位换算,感受分米 毫米的实际意义,积累测量经验,初步发展空间观念。2 能根据具体情境恰当选择长度单位,能估计一些物体的长度,进一步体会单位的...