
发布 2023-01-07 09:31:28 阅读 4706

unit3 i’m more outgoing than my sister.知识点总结。



同义词)形容词) (反) 形容词) careful小心的,仔细的/ careless粗心的—(副词) carefully二、重点短语。

1.和…一样the same as2.歌咏比赛singing competition

3.对…友好be friendly to4.在…方面有天赋be talented in5.

关心,在意care about6.像…be like7.和…交朋友make friends (with sb.

)8.只要as long as

9.使显现,使表现出bring out10.取得好成绩get good grades11.

事实上in fact12.谈论…talk about13.与某人分享某物share sth.

with sb.

14.对…严肃认真be serious about15.与…类似的、相像的be similar to

16.和…相同,与…一致the same as17.小学primary school18.

嘲笑某人laugh at sb.19.感动某人touch one’s heart20.

在一些方面in some ways三、重点讲解。

1. though conj.虽然,尽管;即使;纵然。

引导让步状语从句,= although .不能跟but连用。2.

which pron.哪一个;哪一些;哪个。既可以与名词一起构成特殊疑问句,也可以单独使用,引导特殊疑问句。

3. as long as = so long as只要;既然。引导条件状语从句。

4. information n.信息(不可数名词)a piece of information一条信息。

5. it’s +adj. +for sb.

to do sth. (形容词是对动词不定式所表示动作的描述。常用的形容词有easy, hard , different ,important等)it’s +adj.

+of sb. to do sth.(形容词使对人的性格、品质的评价。

常用的形容词有good, kind,nice ,clever等)



1.原级,即原形;原级前面可以用very, quite, rather, too, so, pretty等词修饰。2.

比较级,表示“较…”或“更…一些”,用于两者(人或物)之间的比较;比较级前可以用much/ far / a lot, even/ still, a little/ a bit等词修饰。



4.比较级中为了避免重复,常用one/that/those替代前面出现名词。the weather here is much hotter than that of shanghai.






通常由形容词尾+ly构成的副词的比较级和最高级都是前面+more/most构成。)b-比较级和最高的构成的不规则变化:good / well–better–bestbad /badly–worse–worstmany / much–more–mostlittle–less–least

far–farther / further–farthest / furthest–(距离/程度)old–older / elder–oldest / eldest - 年龄大小/长幼关系)三、形容词和副词句型。

1. as+原级+as“和一样”(同级比较)i think this book is as interesting as that one.

2. not + as / so +原级+as“不如”(同级比较)it’s not as/so hot today as yesterday.3. less+原级+than“不如”

this story is less interesting than that one.

4...比较级+than...比。更)..比较级基本句型)he runs faster than she.

+比较级,the +比较级“越越”the busier we are, the happier we will be.

6.比较级+ and +比较级(more and more +原级)“越来越”our country is getting stronger and stronger.

+比较级+ of the two...两者中较为的一个”jack is the younger of the two boys.

who...比较级,a or b?“哪一个/谁更。a还是b?”which is bigger , the earth or the sun ?


多、大)几倍our school is three times bigger than yours.10.倍数+as+原级+as是….

的几倍our school is three times as big as yours.

11.比较级+ than any other +名词单数“比其他任何一个…都。比较级表示最高级1)he is taller than any other boy in his class.

12.比较级+ than the other +名词复数“比其他所有…都。比较级表示最高级2)he is taller than the other boys in his class.

13.最高级+ in /among /of短语(in+范围,among /of+对象)(最高级基本句型)jim is the tallest boy in his class.

+最高级,a , b or c?“哪一个/谁更。a , b还是c?”which is the biggest, the sun, the moon or the earth??

15. the +序数词+最高级“(在。范围内)第几”the yellow river is the second longest river in china.。

16. one of the +最高级+名词复数“最的之一shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world.


1 what s she doing for vacation?为了 a.what s jim staying at home for?he is reading.b.it s important for old people to take exercise.c.they will stay in...


两者都 all三者 以上 都。名词复数 of the 名词复数 或者用于助动词 系动词 情态动词之后,实意动词之前。连接主语时,看成复数 neither nor 连接主语时,谓语动词采取就近原则 high跳高 hard努力工作和 一样 as so as不如。singing competition歌唱...


新目标八年级上册英语unit3教案。unit 3教学设计。一 教学设计思路。用动画导入,引起学生对于tr el的兴趣 结合学生生活设计活动,使学生在表达中熟悉句型和词汇。二 教学目标 一 知识。1.掌握如何使用现在进行时态表示未来的计划。2.掌握wh 特殊疑问句 whatareyoudoingfor...