
发布 2023-01-06 11:33:28 阅读 1502


1. it’sthe closest tohome.它离家最近。(课本第25页)【考点一】形容词最高级的用法。

考点二】词组“be /get close to”的用法。

真题链接】d**id is __student in our class. nobody is taller than him.(四川成都中考)a. tall

b. taller

c. the tallest


由第一句的比较范围及第二句可知,空格处应该用最高级形式。故答案选c。please don’t get close __the running rain, or you’ll be in from

b. toc. after

d. with

解析】词组get/be close to意为“靠近,接近”,再结合句意“请别靠近这列行驶着的火车,不然你会有危险的”可得出答案选b。

2. it’sworse thanblue moon.它比蓝月亮(服装店)还更糟糕。(课本第26页)【考点】形容词比较级用法。

考题链接】my sister is __more athletic than me.(2014河北藁城期中)a. many

b. lot

c. a little

d. little


much,rather, a lot, a little, even等;many, very, quite等不能修饰比较级。故答案选c。 you like it so far?


真题链接】—_do you think of the film?—very interesting.(2012湖南湘潭中考)a. what

b. who

c. how

解析】考查特殊疑问词的用法。根据对话中的答语“很有趣”可知,问的是对事物的看法,用句型“what do you think of…?”故答案选a。

4. some think that the lives of the performersare made up.有些人认为那些表演。


真题链接】han han’s books are popular. they __by many teenagers.(2013广西南宁中考)a. is read

b. was read

c. are read

d. were read


同步专练。1. (2015北京二十六中期中)the road is too dangerous. you need to drive __a. careful

b. carefully

c. quick

d. quickly

2. (2014广州中考)i h**e a lovely room. it’s the __in the nice

b. nicer

c. nicest

d. most nice

3.—tom, are you __boy in your class?—no, but john is.

i’m shorter than the tallestc. the youngest

b. the shortestd. the oldest

4. it’s interesting __other people __their to watch; to showb. watch; to showc.

to watch; show

d. watch; show

5. (2014.江西九江市期末)there are __seats in town cinema.

—yes, you can sit there __a. comfortable; comfortablec. comfortably; comfortable

b. comfortably; comfortablyd. comfortable; comfortably

6 (2014宜宾中考)__may h**e a chance to be successful if he tries his none

b. nobody

c. somebody

d. everybody

7. (2014上海中考)air pollution has become __than ever before. we must do

something to stop serious

b. more seriousd. the most serious

c. most serious

8. (2014兰州中考)the weather is becoming __a. hotter and hotterc. hoter and hoter

b. more hot and hotd. more and more hot

9. (2014.黄石中考)it is not so __as yesterday, so there are __peoplewalking in tuan chengshan park cold; fewerc.

cold; more

b. warm; mored. warm; most

10. (2015山东曲阜师范大学附中期中)—i think moon theater has __soundin our city.

i agree with you. i never go there with my better

b. worse

c. the best

d. the worst


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