
发布 2023-01-04 12:43:28 阅读 6356

上学期期中英语能力训练题(一)i. 根据你所听到的对话,填写**。(18分)

ii. 词汇知识。(25分)

a. 根据下面的英语解释,写出相应的英语单词,该单词的首字母已给出。(5分)

1. t___to change speech or writing into another language

2. c___chart showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year

3. i___to make something better, to become better

4. r___to go back to a place where you were from, or come back from a place where you h**e just been

5. t___the day after today

b. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(20分)

1. -what's the weather like today?


2. i think august is muchhot) than may.

3. the___australia) seasons are different from the chinese ones.

4. what about___skate) with us now?

5. the___farm) showed us his cow and the wheat field.

6. in summer, we often go___swim) after work.

7. eating too much is bad for our___healthy).

8. you must look after only___you) and keep healthy, kate.

9. this kind of animal has two __foot).

10. mr brown usually___reach) his office before seven o'clock.

iii. 口语运用。(12分)


a: (1你怎么啦)?

b: i h**e a pain in my stomach. i h**e a bad (2胃病).

a: do you feel like vomiting(呕吐)?

b: no, i just feel (3有点累) and want to sleep.

a: don't worry ! here are some pills (药丸).

take them (4一天三次) and three of them once a time.

b: oh, that's too bad.

a: you (5应该早点睡觉) and (6好好休息) .i hope you'll feel better soon.

b: thanks.

a: it's my pleasure.

v. 完形填空。(15分)

jim is an american boy. he likesfootball matcheshe hasn't enough money to buy tickets. he has to watch the matchestv at home when he hashomework.

he must go to school from monday to friday, so he missed a lot of important football matches.

a big football match would be held (举行) in the afternoon the next daywanted to watch it very much. but he couldn't. he would h**e a physics test inafternoon.

can we h**e a video, mom?" jim asked his motherhe went to school. "then from our tv set you can record the match for me.

"i'mwe can't afford (买得起) one," said his mother. the next morning jim went home with a smilea new video. "but where did you get the money, jim?

" his mother asked in surprise.

that'smom. i sold our tv set."

1. a. watching b. seeing c. looking at d. hearing

2. a. and b. so c. but d. or

3. a. in b. on c. at d. with

4. a. few b. a few c. many d. quite a little

5. a. mother b. father c. teacher d. jim

6. a. the same b. the different c. a d. as

7. a. after b. before c. because d. as

8. a. glad b. afraid c. pleased d. frighten (恐惧)

9. a. carrying b. carries c. carry d. to carry

10. a. difficult b. easy c. difficulty d. easily

. 阅读理解。(1分)

marry is eight years old now. this autumn she begins to go to school. she likes her teachers and has some friends.

she studies hard and is good at her classes. so we think she's a good girl.

it's sunday today. it's fine and after breakfast the girl and her parents are going to the zoo. she likes to watch the animals very much.

now they're standing at the bus stop and waiting for the bus. she sees her friend jim and his grandpa there.

good morning, grandpa!"says the girl. "are you going to the zoo, too?"

yes, we are, "says the old man. then he says to mary's father, "you h**e a polite daughter. how old is she?

"eight, grandpa." answers the girl.

eight?" the old man says with a smile. "but you're shorter than my stick!"

how old is your stick, then?" says the girl.

1. mary is a

a. teacher b. student c. worker d. soldier

2. mary is in gradenow.

a. one b. two c. three d. four

3. we think mary is a good girl because

a. she's only eight b. she has some friends

c. she likes her teacher d. she's good at her classes

4. mary and her parents are going to the zoo by

a. car b. boat c. bus d. bike

5. mary's parents and the girl are going the zoo because

a. they like to watch the animals b. it's fine today

c. the zoo is near their house d. jim and his grandpa are going there, too

vi. 书面表达。(15分)


. 杰克上周五过生日。2.



5. 我们一起唱歌、跳舞,玩得很开心。

八年级英语能力训练题 二 I

上学期期中英语能力训练题 二 i.根据录音选择恰当的 并将下面 中内容与录音相符的空格中打上 号,不符合的打 号。20分 1.what s the matter with the woman?2.how does her daughter take her to hospital?ii.巧填字谜。1...


1 如图,abc中,de bc于e,af bc于f,已知bcd与abc的面积之比为1 3,de 3cm,则af 2 如图,将一幅三角板叠放在一起,使直角的顶点重合于点o,则 aoc dob 3 如图,是一块边长为1,周长记为p1,的正三角形纸板,沿图的底边剪去一块边长为0.5的正三角形纸板后得到图,...


1 阅读下面这则小故事,回答问题。晚会开始了,小明第一个起来发言。他说 各位老师,各位同学,大家好!你们能按时来参加我班的晚会,这是你们的光荣,我们表示热烈的欢迎。话音刚落,大家笑成一片。大家为什么笑?请作简要分析并改正小明说得不当的话。2 下列句子没有语病,表意明确的一项是 a 当今中国青年肩负着...